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I am following some of the tutorials that roboflow offers, I am doing a custom dataset I have over 9000 pictures and I am using the ontology, it would seem when I reach the end of my training I run into memory issues "numpy._core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError: Unable to allocate 11.9 MiB for an array with shape (6, 1080, 1920) and data type bool" and it only works if I train with a much smaller sample, I am guessing this is because they are all being processed in one go, I followed the tutorial for making a custom dataset but I think this would happen to anyone with a much larger size. How can I get around this issue.
I understand lowering the resolution would help but still by having so many issues I face the same issue, how would i go around this?
I put this as a bug because I am not sure if this notebook accounts for very large datasets so it would be good to do that if it's something that can happen to anyone, thank you
left_9_2024-10-18 15-14-24.770364.png: 100%|██████████████████████████████████| 12498/12498 [6:07:58<00:00, 1.77s/it]
Passing a Dict[str, np.ndarray]
into DetectionDataset
is deprecated and will be removed in supervision-0.26.0
. Use a list of paths List[str]
Found dataset\train\images\left_9339_2024-10-18 15-23-39.366113.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_9339_2024-10-18 15-23-39.366113.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Found dataset\train\images\left_4584_2024-10-18 15-18-59.357296.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_4584_2024-10-18 15-18-59.357296.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Found dataset\train\images\left_4583_2024-10-18 15-18-59.323971.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_4583_2024-10-18 15-18-59.323971.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Found dataset\train\images\left_3070_2024-10-18 15-17-30.481540.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_3070_2024-10-18 15-17-30.481540.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Found dataset\train\images\left_9338_2024-10-18 15-23-39.299582.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_9338_2024-10-18 15-23-39.299582.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Found dataset\train\images\left_9335_2024-10-18 15-23-39.131904.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_9335_2024-10-18 15-23-39.131904.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Found dataset\train\images\left_9336_2024-10-18 15-23-39.198825.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_9336_2024-10-18 15-23-39.198825.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Found dataset\train\images\left_9337_2024-10-18 15-23-39.265686.jpg as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\images
Found dataset\train\labels\left_9337_2024-10-18 15-23-39.265686.txt as already present, not moving anything to dataset\train\labels
Labeled dataset created - ready for distillation.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\xxxxxx\DATA\", line 45, in
dataset = sv.DetectionDataset.from_yolo(
File "c:\Usersxxxx\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\visper_environment\Lib\site-packages\supervision\dataset\", line 497, in from_yolo
classes, image_paths, annotations = load_yolo_annotations(
File "cxxxxxx\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\xxxx_environment\Lib\site-packages\supervision\dataset\formats\", line 120, in yolo_annotations_to_detections
mask = _polygons_to_masks(polygons=polygons, resolution_wh=resolution_wh)
File "c:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\anaconda3\envs\xxx_environment\Lib\site-packages\supervision\dataset\formats\", line 50, in _polygons_to_masks
return np.array(
numpy._core._exceptions._ArrayMemoryError: Unable to allocate 11.9 MiB for an array with shape (6, 1080, 1920) and data type bool
####MY CODE#####
import os
import torch # Ensure torch is available for CUDA checks
from autodistill_grounded_sam import GroundedSAM
from autodistill.detection import CaptionOntology
from autodistill.utils import plot
import cv2
import supervision as sv
from autodistill_yolov8 import YOLOv8
IMAGE_DIR_PATH = f"2024-10-18_15-13-59/left_images"
DATASET_DIR_PATH = f"dataset"
ANNOTATIONS_DIRECTORY_PATH = f"dataset/train/labels"
IMAGES_DIRECTORY_PATH = f"dataset/train/images"
DATA_YAML_PATH = f"dataset/data.yaml"
image_paths = sv.list_files_with_extensions(
extensions=["png", "jpg", "jpg"]
print('image count:', len(image_paths))
ontology = CaptionOntology({
"rear end of car": "Rear Car",
"back view of vehicle": "Rear Car",
"trunk of car": "Rear Car",
"number plate": "licence plate"
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
print(f"Training will use: {device.upper()}")
base_model = GroundedSAM(ontology=ontology)
dataset = base_model.label(
dataset = sv.DetectionDataset.from_yolo(
mask_annotator = sv.MaskAnnotator()
box_annotator = sv.BoxAnnotator()
image = cv2.imread(f"xxxxxxx/DATA/2024-10-18_15-13-59/sample/left_4583_2024-10-18 15-18-59.323971.png")
images = []
image_names = list(dataset.images.keys())[:SAMPLE_SIZE]
for image_name in image_names:
image = dataset.images[image_name]
annotations = dataset.annotations[image_name]
labels = [dataset.classes[class_id] for class_id in annotations.class_id]
annotated_image = mask_annotator.annotate(scene=image.copy(), detections=annotations)
annotated_image = box_annotator.annotate(scene=annotated_image, detections=annotations)
sv.plot_image(image=annotated_image, size=(8, 8))
target_model = YOLOv8("")
target_model.train(DATA_YAML_PATH, epochs=2, device=device)
Windows 11
I have quite good specs too
python 3.11
and NVIDEA RTX A5000 Graphics card