I am trying to create a training pipeline to train a custom yolov9 model with user inputted labeled images.
I am having an issue where if I make my data.yaml file use relative paths, I get the error:
RuntimeError: Dataset 'OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo/data.yaml' error
Dataset 'OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo/data.yaml' images not found , missing path 'C:\GitHub\Anomaly_detection_combine\OIT_model\Anomaly_detection_combine\OIT_model\customOIT\customdatasetyolo\Anomaly_detection_combine\OIT_model\customOIT\customdatasetyolo\val'
What is even more odd, is that the path the error mentions,
is not a path that exists or is being requested anywhere. The actual path is
for some reason it is repeating the first part of the path 3 times.
This is the data.yaml file:
path: OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo
train: OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo/train
val: OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo/val
nc: 1
names: ['5']
and this is the code that is starting training:
def train_custom_dataset_yolo(data_path, epochs=100, imgsz=64, verbose=True):
model = YOLO("OIT_model/")
# Specify the save directory for training runs
save_dir = 'OIT_model/customOIT/yolocustomtrainoutput'
if os.path.exists(save_dir):
for file in os.listdir(save_dir):
file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, file)
if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path):
elif os.path.isdir(file_path):
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True)
model.train(data=data_path, epochs=epochs, imgsz=imgsz, verbose=verbose, save_dir=save_dir)
train_custom_dataset_yolo('OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo/data.yaml', epochs=1,imgsz=64, verbose=True)
Very strangely however, when I replace the relative paths with absolute paths, like so:
path: C:/GitHub/fix/Anomaly_detection_combine/OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo
train: C:/GitHub/fix/Anomaly_detection_combine/OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo/train
val: C:/GitHub/fix/Anomaly_detection_combine/OIT_model/customOIT/customdatasetyolo/val
nc: 1
names: ['5']
training works without issue. Using absolute pathing is not an option for me, as this application needs to be reproductible on others machines.