Hi Rob,
I agree with afeno, this is an excellent project and perfectly documented :)
I would like to add my experience to your project. I did some vigorous testing on the rain calculation and found that a factor of "*25.4/1000.0" (instead of 25.0), yields a 100% accurate result compared to the Oregon base station.
The calculations should therefor read as follows:
void rain(){
rainTotal = float(((nyb(18)*100000)+(nyb(17)*10000)+(nyb(16)*1000)+(nyb(15)*100)+(nyb(14)*10)+nyb(13))*25.4/1000.0);
rainRate = float(((nyb(8)*10000)+(nyb(9)*1000)+(nyb(10)*100)+(nyb(11)*10)+nyb(12))*25.4/1000.0);
I am not sure, but I think it has to do with the fact that there are 25.4 mm in an inch.