OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol built on OAuth2.0 paradigm. You can use OIDC to securely sign-in users to your application.
{% hint style="info" %} OpenID Connect is available only in the enterprise edition for self-hosted instances, and only the Superuser of your Appsmith Instance can set up OIDC. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} You will have to add the redirect URL to your preferred OIDC Provider’s settings. {% endhint %}
For OIDC configuration in Appsmith, follow the steps below (the below steps are irrespective of the SSO provider you choose):
- On your Appsmith Application, go to Profile > Admin Settings.
- Navigate to Authentication and open the types of authentication available on Appsmith.
- Select OIDC, click on Enable
- Copy the Redirect URL
{% hint style="info" %}
Save the Redirect URL
as you’ll need it to configure in OIDC Provider’s settings.
{% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} You can choose to integrate with any one of the following OIDC providers by clicking on any of them below. {% endhint %}
Appsmith provides some popular OIDC integrations that you can choose from. Click on the available providers to follow the exhaustive guide for integrating with them:
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