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Flashing Bootloader for BluePill Boards

Michel Stempin edited this page Sep 24, 2017 · 6 revisions

Flash bootloader for Cheap STM32F103C8T boards (BluePill board)

Cheap STM32 Board

These boards are low cost and very well supported by STM32 Arduino

One needs to flash the Bootloader to make this board work with modified MAPLE booloader.

For that here are the Steps:

1. Get the Required Bootloader File

Here is a link to all the binary files available in precompiled form.

The specific file needs to be selected.

Selection Citeria

If you have the above board most linkly the LED is on PIN PC13 then the file to use is generic_boot20_pc13.bin

Note this file also needs a USB Disconnect pin connected to Pin PB9

Circuit for USB Connection

Fast Fix

Figure shows the modification needed for the R10 resistance that comes populated on the board.

USB Resistor Mod

One needs to replace this to a 1.5k resistance.

The Board would still need reset button press some times in case the USB Serial is not getting detected.

Another Alternative

In case you can't affort the fancy circuit shown above, then use a Pull up of 1.5k on Pin PA12

This is the USB D+ line of the MCU.

Here is a picture showing the MOD

Modification for USB

Though this would work, but the USB reset some times fails with this MOD.

One needs to disconnect the board from USB and then reconnect to recover some times.

More Professional Mod

Figure shows the circuit needed for USB Connection to STM32F103C8T boards:


2. Setting up the Firmware

First connect the board using the ST-LINK programmer.

Copy the firmware file generic_boot20_pc13.bin or what ever in your case to :

(Arduino)\hardware\Arduino_STM32-master\tools\win - Windows

In case of windows this would correct in case of linux use the specifc directory.

(Arduino)\hardware\Arduino_STM32-master\tools\linux64 - Linux 64-bit

(Arduino)\hardware\Arduino_STM32-master\tools\linux - Linux 32-bit

Here the (Arduino) is the default folder where the Arduino Sketches are stored.

Windows Command

In case of Windows we run the command:

stlink\ST-LINK_CLI.exe -c SWD -P generic_boot20_pc13.bin 0x8000000 -Rst -Run

To Flash the board. Here generic_boot20_pc13.bin needs to be replaced by the respective bin file selected earlier.

Linux Command

./stlink/st-flash generic_boot20_pc13.bin 0x8000000


To Flash the board. Here generic_boot20_pc13.bin needs to be replaced by the respective bin file selected earlier. The last command would reset the board to begin execution.

Further Reading