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victorpv edited this page Apr 24, 2015 · 55 revisions

###All OS's

  • Download and install the latest stable version of the Arduino Beta from here
  • (1.6.3 or newer) - On the Tools menu, select the Boards manager, and install the Arduino Due from the list of available boards.
  • Download zip file containing the STM32 files from here
  • Unzip to create the Arduino_STM32 folder


  • Copy the Arduino_STM32 folder to My Documents/Arduino/hardware (note. if the hardware folder doesn't exist you will need to create it)
  • If using Maple or Maple mini under windows the Maple Drivers page
  • (1.6.2 or newer) - On the Tools menu, select the Boards manager, and install the Arduino Due from the list of available boards.
  • Re-start the Arduino IDE, and select the appropriate board from the Tools -> Board menu, and select the appropriate Com port.


  • Copy the Arduino_STM32 folder to the hardware folder in your Arduino sketches folder . If the hardware folder does not exist, please create one.

  • In the ./Arduino_STM32/tools/linux folder set the rights of maple_upload to 755

  • Install DFU-Utils.

  • On Ubuntu it has been reported that the standard version of the utils V 0.5 does not work, but V 0.8 does work.

  • See the linux page about how to build and install dfu-util

  • Note. Please read the uploading section related to uploading when using Linux.

####Mac OSX

  • Arduino_STM32 folder must be place inside ~/Documents/Arduino/hardware (note. if the hardware folder doesn't exist you will need to create it)

  • So you should get ~/Documents/Arduino/hardware/Arduino_STM32

  • Install DFU Utils. The easiest way to do this is to use Homebrew - see the bottom of the Homebrew page.

  • Then type "brew install dfu-util" in the terminal window to install

  • See also

  • Note. The if you install DFU Utils using another method than Homebrew the installed location may be different, and you may need to edit the scripts in the tools/osx folder