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Other STM32 Arduino projects

rogerclarkmelbourne edited this page Dec 27, 2014 · 4 revisions

There are quite a few other Arduino STM32 projects, some of which may be beneficial to this project or anyone using this project New in as of December 2014. Appears only to support STM32F051C8T6. I'm not sure if there is support for SPI or I2C Seems to have been abandoned. I tried to contact the author via a GitHub issue at the beginning of December 2014 but have not had a reply. New development to GitHub at the start of December 2014. Currently only supports STM32F3xx series. There is intended support for STM32F4xxg . Looks to be one to watch. the original source for this project. Still gets occasional updates. As far as I'm aware the author (Marti) plans support for STM32F4xx at some time, however as far as I can tell it still uses the old Arduino API 0022 and hence won't work with most current Arduino code.