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executable file
319 lines (266 loc) · 18.2 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
319 lines (266 loc) · 18.2 KB

Weather stations

This code reads data from Excel files (received from ARSO) and makes plots for selected stations.

Importing libraries and data

## Attaching package: 'dplyr'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag

## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Define constants:

# input data files
filenames <- c("rr1", "rr2", "snow", "warm", "hot", "tropical") # excel file names

variablenames <- c("Days with at least 1 mm of precipitation", "Days with at least 20 mm of precipitation", "Days with snow", expression("Warm days (T"["max"]*" \u2265 25\u00B0C)"), expression("Hot days (T"["max"]*" \u2265 30\u00B0C)"), expression("Tropical nights (T"["min"]*" \u2265 20\u00B0C)")) # display variable names
axislabels <- c("percentage of days per month", "percentage of days per month", "percentage of days per month", "percentage of days per month", "percentage of days per month", "percentage of nights per month")
projnames <- c("RCP45", "RCP85", "RCP26") # excel sheet names
scenarionames <- c("RCP4.5", "RCP8.5", "RCP2.6") # display scenario names
monthnames <- c("jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec")
stationnames_1 <- c("Bilje", "Celje - Medlog", "Letališče Edvarda Rusjana Maribor", "Ljubljana - Bežigrad", "Murska Sobota - Rakičan", "Novo mesto", "Portorož - letališče", "Rateče", "Cerklje ob Krki", "Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu", "Kočevje")
stationnames_2 <- c("Bilje", "Celje Medlog", "Letališče Edvarda Rusjana Maribor", "Ljubljana Bežigrad", "Murska Sobota Rakičan", "Novo mesto", "Portorož letališče", "Rateče", "Cerklje ob Krki", "Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu", "Kočevje")

Read data from Excel files:

refdata <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=6))
projdata <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=8))

for (file in filenames) {
    # read reference data
    ref <- read_excel(paste("../data/arso/", file, ".xlsx", sep=""), sheet=1)
    colnames <- names(ref)
    ref$month <- fct_relabel(factor(ref$month), function(x) monthnames[as.numeric(x)])
    for (statid in 2:length(colnames)) {
        refdata <- rbind(refdata, data.frame(
            var = file,
            period = "1981-2010",
            scenario = "ref",
            month = ref$month,
            station = colnames[statid],
            refvalue = pull(ref, colnames[statid])
    # read RCP4.5, RCP8.5 and RCP2.6 data
    for (projid in 1:3) {
        proj <- read_excel(paste("../data/arso/", file, ".xlsx", sep=""), sheet = projid+1)
        proj$month <- fct_relabel(factor(proj$month), function(x) monthnames[as.numeric(x)])
        projdata <- rbind(projdata, data.frame(
            var = file,
            period = proj$period,
            scenario = scenarionames[projid],
            month = proj$month,
            station = proj$station,
            median = proj$median,
            min = proj$min,
            max = proj$max

##   var    period scenario month    station  refvalue
## 1 rr1 1981-2010      ref   jan NOVO MESTO  7.600000
## 2 rr1 1981-2010      ref   feb NOVO MESTO  6.794444
## 3 rr1 1981-2010      ref   mar NOVO MESTO  8.611111
## 4 rr1 1981-2010      ref   apr NOVO MESTO 10.405556
## 5 rr1 1981-2010      ref   may NOVO MESTO 11.911111
## 6 rr1 1981-2010      ref   jun NOVO MESTO 11.783333
##   var    period scenario month                 station     median        min
## 1 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan              NOVO MESTO  0.3000000 -0.8000000
## 2 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan          CELJE - MEDLOG  0.4166667 -1.0333333
## 3 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan MURSKA SOBOTA - RAKIČAN  0.8333333 -1.1000000
## 4 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan                  RATEČE  0.5333333 -1.3333333
## 5 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan                 KOČEVJE -0.2166667 -0.5666667
## 6 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan    LJUBLJANA - BEŽIGRAD  0.3166667 -0.7333333
##        max
## 1 2.400000
## 2 2.633333
## 3 2.600000
## 4 1.933333
## 5 3.000000
## 6 2.166667

Data wrangling

Projection data is given as a deviation from the reference value. Get reference values for each projection datapoint and add them to median, min and max values to obtain actual projection values:

refvals <- c()
for (i in 1:nrow(projdata)) {
    refvals <- rbind(refvals, refdata[refdata$month==projdata[i,4] & refdata$station==projdata[i,5] & refdata$var==projdata[i,1], "refvalue"])

projdata$median <- projdata$median + refvals
projdata$min <- projdata$min + refvals
projdata$max <- projdata$max + refvals
projdata[projdata$min < 0,"min"] <- 0 # set all negative values of minimum values to zero

##   var    period scenario month                 station   median      min
## 1 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan              NOVO MESTO 7.900000 6.800000
## 2 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan          CELJE - MEDLOG 7.983333 6.533333
## 3 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan MURSKA SOBOTA - RAKIČAN 6.105556 4.172222
## 4 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan                  RATEČE 9.144444 7.277778
## 5 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan                 KOČEVJE 9.216667 8.866667
## 6 rr1 2011-2040   RCP4.5   jan    LJUBLJANA - BEŽIGRAD 8.277778 7.227778
##         max
## 1 10.000000
## 2 10.200000
## 3  7.872222
## 4 10.544444
## 5 12.433333
## 6 10.127778

Combine reference and projection data frames for plotting:

alldata <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=8))
alldata <- rbind(alldata, projdata)

names(refdata)[names(refdata) == "refvalue"] <- "median"
refdata$min <- NA # reference data error bar range is set to 0
refdata$max <- NA

# add reference data to alldata frame for each scenario
refdata$scenario <- "RCP4.5"
alldata <- rbind(alldata, refdata)
refdata$scenario <- "RCP8.5"
alldata <- rbind(alldata, refdata)
refdata$scenario <- "RCP2.6"
alldata <- rbind(alldata, refdata)

Calculate percentages:

datadays31 <- filter(alldata, month == "jan" | month == "mar" | month == "may" | month == "jul" | month == "aug" | month == "oct" | month == "dec") %>% 
    mutate(median = median / 31, min = min / 31, max = max / 31)
datadays30 <- filter(alldata, month == "apr" | month == "jun" | month == "sep" | month == "nov") %>% mutate(median = median / 30, min = min / 30, max = max / 30)
datadays28_1 <- filter(alldata, month == "feb" & period == "2011-2040") %>%
    mutate(median = median / 28.2666666667, min = min / 28.2666666667, max = max / 28.2666666667)
datadays28_2 <- filter(alldata, month == "feb" & period != "2011-2040") %>%
    mutate(median = median / 28.2333333333, min = min / 28.2333333333, max = max / 28.2333333333)
alldata <- rbind(datadays31, datadays30, datadays28_1, datadays28_2)

The values are divided by the number of days in each month. There are different


plotdata <- function(alldata, variable, stat) {
    subset <- filter(alldata, var==variable & station==stat)
    for (n in 1:length(stationnames_raw)) {
        subset[subset$station==stationnames_raw[n], "station"] <- stationnames_1[n]
    p <- ggplot(data = subset, 
                mapping = aes(x = period, y = median, fill = period)) + 
        geom_col() +
        facet_grid(scenario~month) + 
        scale_fill_manual(values = c("#009E73", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#D55E00")) +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.02)),
                           labels = scales::percent_format()) +
        ylab(axislabels[match(variable, filenames)]) + 
        labs(title = variablenames[match(variable, filenames)], subtitle = stationnames_1[match(stat, stationnames_raw)], fill="period") +
        geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(ymax=max, ymin=min), stat="identity", size=0.3, width=0.9) +
        theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
              panel.spacing.y = unit(0.8, "lines"),
              axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
              axis.title = element_text(size = 12),
              strip.text = element_text(size = 11),
              legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
              legend.title = element_text(size = 13),
              plot.title = element_text(size = 14),
              plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 13))
    return (p)

plotdata2 <- function(alldata, variable, scen) {
    subset <- filter(alldata, var==variable & scenario==scen)
    for (m in 1:length(stationnames_raw)) {
        subset[subset$station==stationnames_raw[m], "station"] <- stationnames_2[m]
    p <- ggplot(data = subset, 
                mapping = aes(x = period, y = median, fill = period)) + 
        geom_col() +
        facet_grid(station~month, labeller = label_wrap_gen(width=10)) + 
        scale_fill_manual(values = c("#009E73", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#D55E00")) +
        scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0.02)),
                           labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1)) +
        ylab(axislabels[match(variable, filenames)]) + 
        labs(title = variablenames[match(variable, filenames)], subtitle = scen, fill="period") +
        geom_errorbar(mapping = aes(ymax=max, ymin=min), stat="identity", size=0.3, width=0.9) +
        theme(panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
              strip.text.y.right = element_text(angle = 0),
              panel.spacing.y = unit(0.7, "lines"),
              axis.text.y = element_text(size = 11),
              axis.title = element_text(size = 12),
              strip.text = element_text(size = 11),
              legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
              legend.title = element_text(size = 11),
              plot.title = element_text(size = 14),
              plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 12),)
    return (p)
for (var in filenames) {
    for (stat in distinct(alldata, station)$station) {
        if (var != "snow" | stat != "KOČEVJE") { # no snow plots for Kočevje
            p <- plotdata(alldata, var, stat)
## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

for (var in filenames) {
    for (scen in c("RCP2.6", "RCP4.5", "RCP8.5")) {
        p <- plotdata2(alldata, var, scen)

Save all the plots:

for (var in filenames) {
    for (stat_name in stationnames_raw) {
        if (var != "snow" | stat_name != "KOČEVJE") { # no snow plots for Kočevje
            print(paste(var, stat_name))
            p <- plotdata(alldata, var, stat_name)
            ggsave(paste("arso1_", gsub(" ", "_", stat_name), "_", var, ".pdf", sep=""), p, width=9, height=4, units="in", path="../output/pdf/arso", device=cairo_pdf)
            ggsave(paste("arso1_", gsub(" ", "_", stat_name), "_", var, ".eps", sep=""), p, width=9, height=4, units="in", path="../output/eps/arso", device=cairo_ps)
            ggsave(paste("arso1_", gsub(" ", "_", stat_name), "_", var, ".svg", sep=""), p, width=9, height=4, units="in", path="../output/svg/arso")
            ggsave(paste("arso1_", gsub(" ", "_", stat_name), "_", var, ".png", sep=""), p, width=9, height=4, units="in", path="../output/png/arso", dpi=500)
for (var in filenames) {
    for (scen in c("RCP2.6", "RCP4.5", "RCP8.5")) {
        print(paste(scen, var))

        p <- plotdata2(alldata, var, scen)
        ggsave(paste("arso2_", scen, "_", var, ".pdf", sep=""), p, width=9, height=8, units="in", path="../output/pdf/arso", device=cairo_pdf)
        ggsave(paste("arso2_", scen, "_", var, ".eps", sep=""), p, width=9, height=8, units="in", path="../output/eps/arso", device=cairo_ps)
        ggsave(paste("arso2_", scen, "_", var, ".svg", sep=""), p, width=9, height=8, units="in", path="../output/svg/arso")
        ggsave(paste("arso2_", scen, "_", var, ".png", sep=""), p, width=9, height=8, units="in", path="../output/png/arso", dpi=500)