This is issue a feature request for allowing to fully trust the rpm repositories already configured inside the bootstrap image. The use case for this would be people building package inside organization using their own rpm repositories (either because they don't have internet access for some reason, either because they have some extra repositories purely internal to that organization).
Let me describe what we do now inside Amadeus:
- I maintain for the company a set of official images, from RHEL 8 to 9, CentOS 10, and the latest fedora. These images are already configured "correctly" for someone working inside Amadeus: we remove all pre-set rpm repositories, to target instead our local mirror of the remote Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora rpm mirrors. We have some workloads using these images without internet access for security reason (but access to these internal mirrors).
- These images are provided to thousands of developers. So of them might need to package their own software for these plateforms, and use fedpkg/mock to do that. These developers have absolutely no idea which rpm repositories to use, this is an "implementation detail" of the images, which evolves over time (and are quite different between RHEL, CentOS and Fedora). These developers know how to use mock, but don't want to know the details of the rpm repositories configuration
- On my side, I don't think it would make much sense that I would provide to my users some extra mock config template, effectively copy/pasting what the upsteam mock project provides, but removing all rpm repositories from these config. Indeed, most of these config are implementation details of the mock project, or the distro maintainers, not really something I should know and follow.
Ideally, I would like to be able to provide my images, with rpm repositories correctly configured already, and my users would just need to call mock with an option to disable the mock logic rewritting the rpm repositories, while keeping all the other logic wrt dnf configuration override.
Right now, what we do is no great (according to me):
- We start our bootstrap images with podman, to extract the rpm repositories url
- We then run mock with as many
flags for each repository, since mock is totally removing the original dnf configuration - We still inherit from the default rpm repositories configured by the mock core config template, which actually we would like not to use at all. It seems to work though (at least when internet access is available).
In term of code, it looks like this:
ALL_RPM_REPOSITORIES=($(podman run --rm "${BOOTSTRAP_IMAGE}" dnf repoinfo --quiet --enabled | grep -E -i '[^:]*base.?url[^:]*:' | sed -e 's/[^:]*:\s*//'))
# Actually build the packages.
fedpkg --release "${RELEASEVER}" mockbuild --mock-config "${MOCK_CONFIG_NAME}" -- --config-opts "bootstrap_image=${BOOTSTRAP_IMAGE}" "${MOCKBUILD_REPOSITORIES_ARGUMENTS[@]}"
Ideally I would like to have some new hypothetical boolean config option use_boostrap_image_rpm_repositories
so that we would only do:
# Actually build the packages.
fedpkg --release "${RELEASEVER}" mockbuild --mock-config "${MOCK_CONFIG_NAME}" -- --config-opts "bootstrap_image=${BOOTSTRAP_IMAGE}" --config-opts use_boostrap_image_rpm_repositories=True
So this feature if accepted would mean more or less:
- splitting the the 'dnf.conf' config_opts everywhere in the templates into what is really purely dnf.conf from the actual repository configuration
- NOT removing the folder /etc/yum.repos.d from the bootstrap image, and using it inside 'dnf.conf'
- conditionally adding the mock template pre-configured repositories, or trusting the one from the bootstrap image
Would that make sense ?