What type(s) of user does this feature affect?
- volunteers
- supervisors
- admins
Admins should be able to add custom links to their Orgs Dropdown Menu. "Edit Organization" is where admins should be able to create the custom linked Text. The linked text should show as a menu item in the dropdown menu - when clicked it should open a new tab to the URL linked. Ex: Linked Text! - but should open a new tab.
The custom links in the dropdown should be available to everyone in the org. Link creation/edit should only be edited by admins.
Here is an example of what it can look like in edit org
And then this would show up in the dropdown
each custom link should have an "Active" check box. You can use the same styling as below:
Screenshots of current behavior, if any
Custom Links should show between the email and "Edit Profile"
How to access the QA site
Login Details:
Link to QA site
Login Emails:
- [email protected] view site as a volunteer
- [email protected] view site as a supervisor
- [email protected] view site as an admin
- [email protected] view site as an all casa admin
- go to
- go to
password for all users: 12345678
Questions? Join Slack! If you have any questions, please message me here @bcastillo32
We highly recommend that you join us in slack #casa channel to ask questions quickly. And discord for office hours (currently Tuesday 5-7pm Pacific), stakeholder news, and upcoming new issues.
High Prio