Superadmins should be able to add any type of user. Right now, they have to add a organization user, and then can add roles.
Why change
We don't really ever want to add partners directly, but new user types (e.g. the proposed NDBN type) will not have an organization to belong to. Super admins should be able to add super admins as well -- right now we have to add them through the back end.
So what do we want to do
Remove the "organization" on add user.
Add "Role" and "Resource" fields that are completed to determine the role the new user has.
The available selection for the "Resource" field should be determined by the Role
-- if org_user or org_admin, the resources available would be the Organizations
-- if partner, the resources available would be the Partners
-- no resource available for SuperAdmin role.
Name, email, Role fields are mandatory. Resource is mandatory iff role has a resource (i.e. org_admin, org_user or partner)
Criteria for completion
- Superadmin can directly add users with the different roles described above
- tests to demonstrate this functionality