We want to use nom to parse the streaming output text of the LLM, which contains a bunch of structured content. So we're trying to create a parser and save it for later reuse, because it is very often to match on streaming output.
But when I tried it, I ran into a problem. For example, the nom::branch::Choice<T>
implements Parser
only for T = &mut [A] / [A; N] / (A, B, ..)
, in which Vec<A>
is not included. But in our use case, the tag_names
is not fixed. So we tried passing the Vec
to nom::branch::alt
, but the result Choice
doesn't implement Parser, if we pass the reference of Vec
to nom::branch::alt
, the result Choice
will borrow the local variable tags
The sample code:
use nom::Parser;
use nom::{self, IResult};
fn new_matcher<'a>(tag_names: &[&'static str],) -> impl Parser<&'a str, Output = &'a str, Error = nom::error::Error<&'a str>> {
let mut tags: Vec<_> = tag_names
.map(|tag_name: &&str| {
nom::bytes::streaming::tag::<&str, &'a str, nom::error::Error<&'a str>>(*tag_name)
// wrong because all_tag_name will borrow local variable
let all_tag_name = nom::branch::alt(tags.as_mut());
// wrong because the result Choice doesn't implement nom Parser
// let all_tag_name = nom::branch::alt(tags);
I'm wondering what the correctway to create and save a nom Parser for later use.