(part of the Carl ⇒ Ferris migration)
We'd like some way to mass-delete messages in a particular channel or from a particular channel. For users, I think the usage is rather simple, where the limit here can either be specified in a time specification (i.e. "last ten minutes" as 10m
) or a number of messages (bounded to a specific number as both a check and to avoid being interpreted as a channel ID if that's omitted):
?purge user <user> <limit>
: delete all messages from a particular user up to the limit
I see two possible designs for channel deletions:
?purge channel [channel] <limit>
: delete all messages in the channel up to the limit. The channel should be optional.
?purge since <message link>
: delete all messages since that message. ensures that the boundary is clear.?purge between <message link> <message link>
: delete all messages between these two boundaries after checking that they're both in the same channel.
This pair isn't necessarily mutually exclusive. However, I do much prefer the message link approach since it's a lot harder to use it incorrectly and delete messages that should've been kept.
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