iOS builds (aarch64-apple-ios
) of Dioxus apps crash on nightly-2025-02-18 (ce36a96). The latest working version is nightly-2025-02-17 (5bc6231).
This problem only occurs when running on a real device, not when running the simulator.
To reproduce the error do the following:
# Create a new Dioxus app
dx new test_app
# Create application bundle
rustup override set nightly-2025-02-18 && rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios && dx bundle --platform ios --trace --device true
Next sign the application, i.e. via iOS App Signer and install on a real device.
The log console shows the following errors:
Snapshot generation request for bundleID: com.appidentifier rejected due to the app being denylisted.
Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x913f14000; app<com.appidentifier>:<invalid>> ->
Application process state changed for com.appidentifier: (null)
NSUnderlyingError = <NSError: 0x302466070; domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain; code: 88>
SpringBoard [app<com.appidentifier>:-1] Now flagged as pending exit for reason: Bootstrap failed
The problem must have been introduced somewhere between commits ce36a96 and 5bc6231. I'd be happy to also test any other rustc binaries or try provide any other information.
Area: Code generation parts specific to LLVM. Both correctness bugs and optimization-related issues.Category: This is a bug.Category: issue that is caused by bugs in software beyond our controlOperating system: Apple (macOS, iOS, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS)Operating system: iOSHigh priorityRelevant to the compiler team, which will review and decide on the PR/issue.Performance or correctness regression from stable to beta.