Describe the Bug
The IndexedDB specification ( and documentation on MDN ( both state that the setter for the name
property of IDBObjectStore
can throw various exceptions.
Given the pattern of generated method signatures in web_sys
, I expect the set_name
method of web_sys::IdbObjectStore
to return Result<(), JsValue>
. Instead, both the Rust compiler and the generated documentation say that the return type of the set_name
is ()
Here is the interface description in webidls/enabled/IDB.webidl
interface IDBObjectStore {
[SetterThrows] attribute DOMString name;
[Throws] readonly attribute any keyPath;
readonly attribute DOMStringList indexNames;
[SameObject] readonly attribute IDBTransaction transaction;
readonly attribute boolean autoIncrement;
Notice the [SetterThrows]
And here is the generated code in src/features/
# [wasm_bindgen (structural , method , setter , js_class = "IDBObjectStore" , js_name = name)]
#[doc = "Setter for the `name` field of this object."]
#[doc = ""]
#[doc = "[MDN Documentation]("]
#[doc = ""]
#[doc = "*This API requires the following crate features to be activated: `IdbObjectStore`*"]
pub fn set_name(this: &IdbObjectStore, value: &str);
Is the #[wasm_bindgen(...)]
attribute here missing catch
Follow up question
There are many other JavaScript web APIs where a property setter can throw. Could there be similar problems elsewhere in web_sys