Hi, I am currently trying to get pytorch geometric to run on my Mac with M1 Pro, the recent update to 13.3 fixed quite a few things. Look here for a bit more info about that: pytorch/pytorch#96610
But currently I have following error message that points towards pytorch_cluster:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/nic/Projects/pytorch_geometric/examples/", line 104, in <module>
File "/Users/nic/Projects/pytorch_geometric/examples/", line 70, in train
loss = F.nll_loss(model(data), data.y)
File "/Users/nic/mambaforge/envs/imitation/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1501, in _call_impl
return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/nic/Projects/pytorch_geometric/examples/", line 56, in forward
sa1_out = self.sa1_module(*sa0_out)
File "/Users/nic/mambaforge/envs/imitation/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1501, in _call_impl
return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
File "/Users/nic/Projects/pytorch_geometric/examples/", line 20, in forward
idx = fps(pos, batch, ratio=self.ratio)
File "/Users/nic/mambaforge/envs/imitation/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_geometric/nn/pool/", line 51, in fps
return torch_cluster.fps(x, batch, ratio, random_start)
File "/Users/nic/mambaforge/envs/imitation/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch_cluster/", line 70, in fps
return torch.ops.torch_cluster.fps(src, ptr, r, random_start)
File "/Users/nic/mambaforge/envs/imitation/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/", line 642, in __call__
return self._op(*args, **kwargs or {})
RuntimeError: src.device().is_cpu() INTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "csrc/cpu/fps_cpu.cpp":14, please report a bug to PyTorch. src must be CPU tensor
To replicate this I just change the device in pytorch_geometric/examples/
to mps
My current installed packages are following:
torch 2.1.0.dev20230331 pypi_0 pypi
torch-cluster 1.6.1 pypi_0 pypi
torch-geometric 2.3.0 pypi_0 pypi
torch-scatter 2.1.1 pypi_0 pypi
torch-sparse 0.6.17 pypi_0 pypi
torchaudio 2.0.0.dev20230313 pypi_0 pypi
torchvision 0.16.0.dev20230331 pypi_0 pypi
So a lot of nightly things. I know that this makes the support quite difficult, but maybe someone can still point me to a solution to this issue.