- move posts to dated dirs
- get a dev http server running
- get redirect pages working
- replace yaml front matter from posts with custom elements
- figure out soupault index settings
- move posts out of dated dirs into /blog
- fix sass compilation or ditch for something else
- fix includes, e.g. GA script
- install active nav tagger plugin
- include/write a js redirect plugin
- get blog posts rendering in post template
- syntax highlight code blocks
- fix visual bugs
- add redirects from old post paths
- fix problem with about.html page having
contents inside<boxy>
import old tooltips posts I wrote
- renumber tooltip posts
update about page
update profile photo
update resume
move from pygments to chroma for dev speed
add an auto ToC to posts?
add heading anchor links
make tags link to tag indexes
make a draft post state + publish workflow
better format post dates
add a github link to posts?
move tracking to something non-google
get back on mainline soupault once indexing fix is released
- things I've learned as an EM
- the deployment mechanism in this site's Makefile