ReSharper を導入できないか検討する
jetbrains の ReSharper という製品があります。
ここのリンク にある通り商用ライセンスは、 最低年間 ¥34,400 します。
しかし、Free Open Source Licenses も提供しています。
Application Terms
- You have to be a project lead or a regular committer.
- Your OS project meets the Open Source definition.
- Your OS project may not offer paid sponsorship, or receive funding from commercial companies or organizations (NGO, education, research, or governmental). You may not provide any paid support, consulting or training services for your OS project, and you may not distribute paid versions of your OS software. Contributors who are paid to work on the project are not eligible.
- Your OS project is in active development for a minimum of 3 months.
- Your OS project's community is active.
- You release updated builds on a regular basis.
この条件のうち 6 の条件以外は満たしていると思います。
If your project does not meet our eligibility requirements or if you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]. Your project may qualify for possible discounts under other OSS, Startup, or Academic programs.
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