Consider this component:
class Component extends LightningElement {}
export { Component as default }
Per ES module syntax, it is equivalent to this component:
export default class Component extends LightningElement {}
However, the second one correctly renders, whereas the first does not. (Repro: 08c93cd .) The component appears to not be treated as a LightningElement
per the @lwc/compiler
– it is simply treated as a plain JavaScript (non-LWC) module.
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Results
export default class Component extends LightningElement {}
is equivalent to
class Component extends LightningElement {}
export { Component as default }
Actual Results
Nothing is rendered, and the component is not registered at runtime as a proper LightningElement.
This issue exists in master
today, as well as LWC v5.0.9 (Spring '24) and v3.0.4 (Winter '24). It even repros in LWC v2.11.8 (Summer '22). So this is a longstanding issue.
Possible Solution
Use the export default class ...
syntax instead.