From my question on Stack Overflow
When I create the sceditor like in the example, the dropdowns that appear when clicking on the font icon appears in its normal place.
var textarea = document.getElementById('example'); sceditor.create(textarea, { format: 'bbcode', icons: 'monocons', autofocus: true, style: '../minified/themes/content/default.min.css' });
However, once I specify my own toolbar, the dropdown is moved off screen and I have to scroll down for ages to find it.
var textarea = document.getElementById('example'); sceditor.create(textarea, { format: 'bbcode', icons: 'monocons', autofocus: true, style: '../minified/themes/content/default.min.css', toolbarContainer: document.getElementById('toolbar') });
Any way to correct the positioning while having a custom toolbar?
I eventually figured it out
Custom toolbars are outside the sceditor container, which has a relative position. According to
By definition offsetTop returns the top position of the object
relative to the top side of its offsetParent element, in pixels.Now offsetParent needs to be an element with a position other than
static. If you change the position attribute of scroll element in your
fiddle I get a value of 1012 as opposed to 1110 without the position
attribute.Therefore, remove the relatie position specifier for .sceditor-container` from the CSS file.
Now, the dropdown is relative to the doucment's body, and must be moved. Fortunately,
can be overridden via a simple pluginsceditor.plugins.fix = function () { let editor; this.init = function () { editor = this; const fn = editor.createDropDown; this.createDropDown = function (menuItem, name, content) { fn(menuItem, name, content); document.body.appendChild(document.querySelector('.sceditor-dropdown')); }; }; };