Hey folks!
I'm personally a big fan of wtfpython
and I always keep an eye on your updates because I always learn something new with them (despite being a 10+ years Python coder). We also use them to teach our students at (co-founder and teacher here).
While looking at the Python snippets in the README file I thought it would be great to provide some interactive demo that people can use to play with them. Something we've learnt is that getting hands on code as quick as possible is the best way to learn to code.
I spent a few hours compiling all the Python snippets in a Jupyter Notebook file, and adapted it in a way that we can open it with a small service we have at RMOTR to launch Jupyter environments online. The result is what you can see in my fork of the repo (check the Demo
section under the table of content):
Do you agree that having such interactive demo would help all the folks reading wtfpython
Let's use this issue as a kick off to start a discussion. Nothing here is written in stone and we can change everything as you wish.
I hope you guys like it, and I truly appreciate any feedback.