Hi all!
A major release of WTFPython is long overdue, there are some great potential inclusions already in the Issues section, and I have a few of myself too that I've been maintaining separately.
I'm looking for someone who'd want to take a stab at working up the next major release, which typically involves,
- Including newer snippets with explanations.
- Making rearrangements in the grouping of the examples or the orders of the examples, to make things more intuitive and fun. This needs to be done anyway with addition of new snippets.
- Adding newer modes of consumption (last time I added jupyter notebooks via google colab, and then I worked on an interactive version using pyiodide which I didn't share that much publicly)
- Doing a proofread and sanity check of all the snippets with the latest Python version to make sure outputs and explanations are correct.
There aren't any monetary benefits, but based on my past experience, you do get to learn a LOT (about Python and about creative writing if you put decent focus on presentation and reading flow), and I'm more than happy to transparently attribute you for all the awesome work. It's also exciting to share the new release on the internet with thousands of developers, so you get to share that feeling as well :)
If interested, please let me know at [email protected] with few lines about your background, what got you interested, the timeline you're comfortable with, and the kind of changes you'd want to make in the newer release (apart from the ones already covered in Github issues).