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File metadata and controls

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NOTE: We're working on better documentation of the API. Here's a start, and there will be more coming soon!

abcjs Basic

The main entry point is ABCJS.renderAbc. Many users won't need to make any other call. That is enough to turn an arbitrary JavaScript string into an SVG image of sheet music.

ABCJS Entry Points Description
integer = ABCJS.numberOfTunes(tunebookString) Returns the number of tunes found in the tunebook.
tunebook = new ABCJS.TuneBook(tunebookString) Returns a TuneBook object, describing the tunebook passed in.
tuneObjectArray = ABCJS.renderAbc(output, tunebookString, parserParams, engraverParams, renderParams) Completely renders the tunebook.
tuneObjectArray = ABCJS.renderMidi(output, tunebookString, parserParams, midiParams, renderParams) Completely creates midi for the tunebook.
ABCJS.startAnimation(outputElement, tuneObject, animationParams) Puts an animated cursor on the rendered music.
ABCJS.stopAnimation() Stops the animation that was started with startAnimation.
Parameters Description
tunebookString A plain text string in ABC syntax that corresponds to either a single ABC tune or a list of ABC tunes.
output If this is a string, it is the ID of an element on the DOM. Or it could be the DOM element itself. Or it could be an array of strings or DOM elements.
outputElement This is the DOM element that was originally passed in when the tune was rendered.
tuneObject This is the object that is created by the rendering process.
tuneObjectArray An array of tuneObject.
All items ending in Params A hash of values. See below for the possible keys.
parserParams Default Description
print false pay attention to margins and other formatting commands that don't make sense in a web page
header_only false only parse the header
stop_on_warning false only parse until the first warning is encountered
engraverParams Default Description
scale 1 If the number passed is between zero and one, then the music is printed smaller, if above one, then it is printed bigger.
staffwidth 740 The width of the music, in pixels.
paddingtop 15 The spacing that the music should have on the webpage.
paddingbottom 30 The spacing that the music should have on the webpage.
paddingright 50 The spacing that the music should have on the webpage.
paddingleft 15 The spacing that the music should have on the webpage.
editable false If true, then when a note is clicked, it is highlighted and a callback allows the editor to move the cursor.
add_classes false If true, then each element that is drawn on the SVG will have an identifying class with it that you can use to style, move, or hide the element.
midiParams Default Description
qpm 180 The tempo, if not specified in abcString.
program 2 The midi program to use, if not specified in abcString.
renderParams Default Description
startingTune 0 The index of the tune in the tunebook to render (starting at zero for the first tune).
animationParams Default Description
hideFinishedMeasures false true or false
showCursor false true or false
bpm whatever is in the Q: field number of beats per minute.

The following assumes you've created a TuneBook object like this: var tunebook = ABCJS.TuneBook(tunebookString):

TuneBook Object Description
tuneHash = tunebook.getTuneById(id) The id is the value in the tune's X: field. The returns the first occurrence of a tune with that ID.
tuneHash = tunebook.getTuneByTitle(title) The title is the value in the tune's first T: field. The returns the first occurrence of a tune with that title. Array of tune hash.
tunebook.header Any ABC %%directives that appear at the top of the tunebookString, before the first tune.
tuneHash description
abc String in ABC format.
startPos Character position (zero-based) in the original tunebook where the tune starts.

tuneObject contains a structure which is a machine-friendly version of the abc string that it was created from. It is the class and is basically some meta-information and an array of each line in the tune. The format of that data is subject to change.

abcjs editor

Typical usage is:

<script src="abcjs_editor_1.11-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	window.onload = function() {
		abc_editor = new ABCJS.Editor("abc", { canvas_id: "canvas0", midi_id:"midi", warnings_id:"warnings" });
Editor entry points Description
abc_editor = new ABCJS.Editor(editArea, editorParams) constructor of the editor object
setReadOnly(bool) adds or removes the class abc_textarea_readonly, and adds or removes the attribute readonly=yes
setDirtyStyle(bool) adds or removes the class abc_textarea_dirty
renderTune(abc, parserParams, domElement) Immediately renders the tune. (Useful for creating the SVG output behind the scenes, if div is hidden)
modelChanged() Called when the model has been changed to trigger re-rendering
parseABC() Called internally by fireChanged() -- returns true if there has been a change since last call.
updateSelection() Called when the user has changed the selection. This calls the engraver_controller to show the selection.
fireSelectionChanged() Called by the textarea object when the user has changed the selection.
paramChanged(engraverParams) Called to signal that the engraver params have changed, so re-rendering should occur.
fireChanged() Called by the textarea object when the user has changed something.
setNotDirty() Called by the client app to reset the dirty flag
isDirty() Returns true or false, whether the textarea contains the same text that it started with.
highlight(abcelem) Called by the engraver_controller to highlight an area.
pause(bool) Stops the automatic rendering when the user is typing.
pauseMidi(shouldPause) Stops the automatic re-rendering of the MIDI.
Edit parameters Description
editArea If it is a string, then it is an HTML id of a textarea control. Otherwise, it should be an instantiation of an object that expresses the EditArea interface.
editorParams Hash of parameters for the editor.
editorParams Description
canvas_id or paper_id HTML id to draw in. If not present, then the drawing happens just below the editor.
generate_midi if present, then midi is generated.
midi_id if present, the HTML id to place the midi control. Otherwise it is placed in the same div as the paper.
generate_warnings if present, then parser warnings are displayed on the page.
warnings_id if present, the HTML id to place the warnings. Otherwise they are placed in the same div as the paper.
onchange if present, the callback function to call whenever there has been a change.
gui if present, the paper can send changes back to the editor (presumably because the user changed something directly.)
parser_options options to send to the parser engine.
midi_options options to send to the midi engine.
render_options options to send to the render engine.
indicate_changed the dirty flag is set if this is true.

abcjs plugin

The abcjs plugin renders all the abc in a page (determined as a new line beginning with X:).

To use, simply include the plugin version in the page:

<script src="abcjs_plugin_latest-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Certain options for the plugin can be changed like this, if executed on page load, just after including the plugin file:

<script type="text/javascript">
  ABCJS.plugin.show_midi = false;

The options available in abc_plugin are:

Option Description
show_midi Whether midi should be rendered or not. (true by default)
hide_abc Whether the abc text should be hidden or not. (false by default) since 1.0.2
render_before Whether the rendered score should appear before the abc text. (false by default) since 1.0.2
midi_options A hash of options to pass to the midi creator. (see MidiOptions) since 1.0.2
auto_render_threshold Number of tunes beyond which auto rendering is disabled; instead, each tune is accompanied by a "show" button. (default value is 20) since 1.0.2
show_text Text to be included on the "show" button before the tune title. (default value is "show score for: ") since 1.0.2
render_options The options to be used for the engraverParams
render_classname The class name to use for the resulting SVG (default value is "abcrendered")
text_classname The class name to use for wrapping the found ABC text (default value is "abctext")

When abcjs plugin finds an abc tune, it wraps a div.abctext around it and renders it into a div.abcrendered. The show button is an a.abcshow. These hooks can be used for styling. since 1.0.2

abcjs greasemonkey script

Just include the greasemonkey script in either FireFox or Chrome. You will then get a button that will begin the scan of the website.