From @matthiaskoenig :
Most of the specification describes how to define the geometries and the domains. I miss a bit the description how this will actually all come together in a simulation of a core model with species and reactions in the spatial model.
Also some questions related to initialization, e.g. how to perform non-homogenous initialization in geometries?I assume it is possible to set non-constant initialization by using InitialAssignments using the coordinates x,y,z. But I am not sure I understood this completely. Perhaps this could be clarified.
Overall I am not sure how and if the geometries work together with ODE models defined in SBML core. It would be great to have some simple examples with simulation results/visualizations; e.g. simple 2D grid with A -> B reaction network with diffusion & convection => simulate with setting diffusion zero, advection zero, reaction rate zero; use non-homogeneous initialization of grid. This would also be great test cases to demonstrate the implementation!