The 'render' package has two validation rule 22104's:
render-22104 A RenderCurve object may contain one and only one instance of the ListOfElements element.
No other elements from the SBML Level 3 Render namespaces are permitted on a Render-
Curve object. (Reference: SBML Level 3 Specification for Render Version 1, Section 3.9.3 on
page 27.)
render-22104 A RenderCurve object may contain one and only one instance of the ListOfCurveSegments
element from the Layout package. No other elements from the SBML Level 3 Layout names-
paces are permitted on a RenderCurve object. (Reference: SBML Level 3 Specification for
Render Version 1, Section 3.9.3 on page 27.)
The first one is correct. The second one needs a new number (probably 22107)