diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 25839a2d94..b3d2e88f84 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
* 24-25: [Agile Tour Luxembourg 2025](https://www.agiletour.lu/) - Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
* 25-26: [Regional Scrum Gathering Dhaka 2025](http://www.dhakaregional.com) - Dhaka (Bangladesh)
* 26: [KCD Chennai](https://kcdchennai.in) - Chennai (India)
-* 26: [Atlanta Cloud Conference 2025](https://atlcloudconf.com/) - Marietta, GA (USA)
+* 26: [Atlanta Cloud Conference 2025](https://atlcloudconf.com/) - Marietta, GA (USA)
* 28: [Merge](https://merge.softwaregr.org/) - Grand Rapids, MI (USA)
* 29: [NDC Melbourne 2025](https://ndcmelbourne.com) - Melbourne (Australia)
* 29: [LlamaCon](https://www.llama.com/events/llamacon/signup/) - Online
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
* 7-9: [Directions ASIA 2025](https://www.directionsforpartners.com/asia2025) - Bangkok (Thailand)
* 8: [Conf42.com Machine Learning 2025](https://www.conf42.com/ml2025) - Online
* 8: [KCD SF Bay Area](https://community.cncf.io/kcd-sf-bay-area/) - San Francisco, CA (USA)
-* 8: [German VMUG UserCon 2025](https://my.vmug.com/s/event/a4pVs000000NmqLIAS/german-usercon) - Frankfurt (Germany)
+* 8: [German VMUG UserCon 2025](https://my.vmug.com/s/event/a4pVs000000NmqLIAS/german-usercon) - Frankfurt (Germany)
* 8: [NervesConf US](https://nervesconf.us) - Chattanooga, TN (USA)
* 8-10: [global-azure-auckland-2025](https://globalazure.net/) - Online
* 9: [Weblica 2025](https://weblica.hr/) - Strigova (Croatia)
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
* 25: [PlatformCon Live Day London 2025](https://platformcon.com/live-day-london) - London (UK)
* 25-26: [Agi'Lille 2025](https://agilille.fr) - Lille (France)
* 25-27: [BreizhCamp 2025](https://www.breizhcamp.org) - Rennes (France)
-* 26: [OpenSSF Community Day NA 2025](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/openssf-community-day-north-america/) - Denver, CO (USA)
+* 26: [OpenSSF Community Day NA 2025](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/openssf-community-day-north-america/) - Denver, CO (USA)
* 26: [NodeTLV 2025](https://www.nodetlv.com/) - Tel Aviv (Israel)
* 26-27: [Sunny Tech](https://sunny-tech.io/) - Montpellier (France)
* 26-27: [Linux Security Summit North America 2025](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/linux-security-summit-north-america/) - Denver, CO (USA)
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
* 17-18: [DevRel Con NYC](https://nyc.devrelcon.dev/) - New York, NY (USA)
* 17-20: [SoCraTes 2025](https://www.socrates-conference.de/) - Soltau (Germany)
* 18: [AI in Production 2025](https://www.aiinproduction.com) - Asheville, NC (USA)
-* 18-19: [JConf Dominicana 2025](https://jconfdominicana.org) - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
+* 18-19: [JConf Dominicana 2025](https://jconfdominicana.org) - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
* 18-19: [Ruby Conf Africa 2025](https://rubyconf.africa/) - Nairobi (Kenya)
* 19: [CajuSEC 2025](https://www.cajusec.com.br/) - Aracaju (Brazil)
* 21-22: [Cloud Native Summit Munich](https://cloudnativesummit.de/) - Munich (Germany)
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
* 6-7: [KubeCon + CloudNativeCon India 2025](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-india-2025/) - Hyderabad (India)
* 8-9: [Beer City Code](https://beercitycode.com/) - Grand Rapids, MI (USA)
* 11-15: [Microsoft TechCon 365 Atlanta 2025](https://www.techcon365.com/Atlanta) - Atlanta, GA (USA)
-* 12: [MozCon](https://moz.com/blog/mozcon-on-the-road-2025) - London (UK)
+* 12: [MozCon](https://moz.com/blog/mozcon-on-the-road-2025) - London (UK)
* 13-15: [GopherCon UK](https://www.gophercon.co.uk/) - London (UK)
* 13-15: [DevOpsDays KC 2025](http://www.devopsdayskc.org) - Kansas City, MO (USA)
* 13-15: [Kansas City Developer Conference KCDC 2025](http://www.kcdc.info) - Kansas City, MO (USA)
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
* 18: [Conf42.com MLOps 2025](https://www.conf42.com/mlops2025) - Online
* 18: [Swiss Cloud Native Day](https://cloudnativeday.ch/) - Bern (Switzerland)
* 18: [DevOps Midwest 2025](http://www.devopsmidwest.com) - St. Louis, MO (USA)
-* 18-19: [API Platform Conference](https://api-platform.com/con/2025/) - Lille (France) & Online
+* 18-19: [API Platform Conference](https://api-platform.com/con/2025/) - Lille (France) & Online
* 22-23: [Targeting Quality 2025](https://targetingquality.ca/) - Cambridge, ON (Canada)
* 22-23: [InfoSec Nashville 2025](https://www.infosecnashville.com) - Nashville, TN (USA)
* 22-25: [Workplace Ninja Summit 2025](https://wpninjas.eu) - Baden (Switzerland)
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
* 6-10: [Devoxx Belgium](https://devoxx.be/) - Antwerp (Belgium)
* 6-10: [Jax London](https://jaxlondon.com/) - London (UK)
* 7-8: [Cloud Native Days Austria](https://cloudnativedays.at/) - Vienna (Austria)
-* 8: [MozCon](https://moz.com/blog/mozcon-on-the-road-2025) - New York, NY (USA)
+* 8: [MozCon](https://moz.com/blog/mozcon-on-the-road-2025) - New York, NY (USA)
* 9-10: [Forum PHP 2025](https://event.afup.org/) - Marne-la-Vallée (France)
* 9-10: [EuroRust 2025](https://eurorust.eu) - Paris (France)
* 10-11: [INIT 2025 Dev Conference](https://initconf.org/) - Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ All the data (past and coming) are available publicly in JSON:
### December
-* 1-4: [ESPC25](https://www.sharepointeurope.com) - Dublin (Ireland)
+* 1-4: [ESPC25](https://www.sharepointeurope.com) - Dublin (Ireland)
* 4: [Conf42.com DevSecOps 2025](https://www.conf42.com/devsecops2024) - Online
* 8-10: [AI_dev: Open Source GenAI & ML Summit Japan 2025](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/ai-dev-japan-2025/) - Tokyo (Japan)
* 8-10: [Open Source Summit Japan 2025](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-japan-2025/) - Tokyo (Japan)