| 1 | +Copied from [python-screeps](https://github.com/screepers/python-screeps/blob/master/docs/Endpoints.md) |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +Start by sending a request to `auth/signin` with your e-mail address and |
| 4 | +password in a JSON object in the POST data. The response JSON object contains a |
| 5 | +token (a hex string); remember that value. Each time you make a request that |
| 6 | +requires authentication (the leaderboard and terrain ones, at least, don't), |
| 7 | +send the most recent token value as both the `X-Token` and `X-Username` |
| 8 | +headers. The response will contain a new token value in the `X-Token` header |
| 9 | +with which you should replace your saved token. (You can send the token on every |
| 10 | +request and just check for a new one in the response, so you don't have to know |
| 11 | +exactly which calls require authentication.) |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +Example request parameters are given below, along with schemata for the server's |
| 14 | +responses. |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +Memory and console endpoints are from |
| 17 | +[bzy-xyz](https://gist.github.com/bzy-xyz/9c4d8c9f9498a2d7983d). |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +You can access the PTR by changing `screeps.com` to `screeps.com/ptr` in all URLs. |
| 20 | + |
| 21 | +# Enumeration values |
| 22 | +When an endpoint takes `interval` or `statName` as an argument, the valid values |
| 23 | +are the ones listed below. |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | +- interval: 8, 180, 1440 |
| 26 | +- statName: creepsLost, creepsProduced, energyConstruction, energyControl, energyCreeps, energyHarvested |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | +# Authentication |
| 29 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/auth/signin` |
| 30 | + - post data: `{ email, password }` |
| 31 | + - response: `{ ok, token }` |
| 32 | + |
| 33 | +# Room information |
| 34 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/game/room-overview?interval=8&room=E1N8` |
| 35 | + - `{ ok, owner: { username, badge: { type, color1, color2, color3, param, flip } }, stats: { energyHarvested: [ { value, endTime } ], energyConstruction: [ { value, endTime } ], energyCreeps: [ { value, endTime } ], energyControl: [ { value, endTime } ], creepsProduced: [ { value, endTime } ], creepsLost: [ { value, endTime } ] }, statsMax: { energy1440, energyCreeps1440, energy8, energyControl8, creepsLost180, energyHarvested8, energy180, energyConstruction180, creepsProduced8, energyControl1440, energyCreeps8, energyHarvested1440, creepsLost1440, energyConstruction1440, energyHarvested180, creepsProduced180, creepsProduced1440, energyCreeps180, energyControl180, energyConstruction8, creepsLost8 } }` |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/game/room-terrain?room=E1N8` |
| 38 | + - `{ ok, terrain: [ { room, x, y, type } ] }` |
| 39 | + - `type` in each element of `terrain` can be "wall" or "swamp" |
| 40 | + |
| 41 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/game/room-terrain?room=E1N8&encoded=1` |
| 42 | + - `{ ok, terrain: [ { _id, room, terrain, type } ] }` |
| 43 | + - `terrain` is a string of digits, giving the terrain left-to-right and top-to-bottom |
| 44 | + - 0: plain, 1: wall, 2: swamp, 3: also wall |
| 45 | + - encoded argument can be anything non-empty |
| 46 | + |
| 47 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/game/room-status?room=E1N8` |
| 48 | + - `{ _id, status, novice }` |
| 49 | + - `status` can at least be "normal" or "out of borders" |
| 50 | + - if the room is in a novice area, `novice` will contain the Unix timestamp of the end of the protection (otherwise it is absent) |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/experimental/pvp?interval=50` |
| 53 | + - `{ ok, time, rooms: [ { _id, lastPvpTime } ] }` |
| 54 | + - `time` is the current server tick |
| 55 | + - `_id` contains the room name for each room, and `lastPvpTime` contains the last tick pvp occurred |
| 56 | + - if neither a valid `interval` nor a valid `start` argument is provided, the result of the call is still `ok`, but with an empty rooms array. |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/experimental/pvp?start=14787157` |
| 59 | + - `{ ok, time, rooms: [ { _id, lastPvpTime } ] }` |
| 60 | + |
| 61 | +# Market information |
| 62 | + |
| 63 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/game/market/orders-index` |
| 64 | + - `{"ok":1,"list":[{"_id":"XUHO2","count":2}]}` |
| 65 | + - `_id` is the resource type, and there will only be one of each type. |
| 66 | + - `count` is the number of orders. |
| 67 | + |
| 68 | + - `https://screeps.com/api/game/market/my-orders` |
| 69 | + - `{ ok, list: [ { _id, created, user, active, type, amount, remainingAmount, resourceType, price, totalAmount, roomName } ] }` |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | + - `https://screeps.com/api/game/market/orders?resourceType=Z` |
| 72 | + - `{ ok, list: [ { _id, created, user, active, type, amount, remainingAmount, resourceType, price, totalAmount, roomName } ] }` |
| 73 | + - `resourceType` is one of the RESOURCE_* constants. |
| 74 | + |
| 75 | + - `https://screeps.com/api/user/money-history` |
| 76 | + - `{"ok":1,"page":0,"list":[ { _id, date, tick, user, type, balance, change, market: {} } ] }` |
| 77 | + - `page` used for pagination. |
| 78 | + - `hasMore` is true if there are more pages to view. |
| 79 | + - `market` |
| 80 | + - New Order- `{ order: { type, resourceType, price, totalAmount, roomName } }` |
| 81 | + - Extended Order- `{ extendOrder: { orderId, addAmount } }` |
| 82 | + - Fulfilled Order- `{ resourceType, roomName, targetRoomName, price, npc, amount }` |
| 83 | + - Price Change - `{ changeOrderPrice: { orderId, oldPrice, newPrice } }` |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | +# Leaderboard |
| 86 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/leaderboard/seasons` |
| 87 | + - `{ ok, seasons: [ { _id, name, date } ] }` |
| 88 | + - the `_id` returned here is used for the season name in the other leaderboard calls |
| 89 | + |
| 90 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/leaderboard/find?mode=world&season=2015-09&username=danny` |
| 91 | + - `{ ok, _id, season, user, score, rank }` |
| 92 | + - `user` (not `_id`) is the user's _id, as returned by `me` and `user/find` |
| 93 | + - `rank` is 0-based |
| 94 | + |
| 95 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/leaderboard/find?mode=world&username=danny` |
| 96 | + - `{ ok, list: [ _id, season, user, score, rank ] }` |
| 97 | + - lists ranks in all seasons |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/leaderboard/list?limit=10&mode=world&offset=10&season=2015-09` |
| 100 | + - `{ ok, list: [ { _id, season, user, score, rank } ], count, users: { <user's _id>: { _id, username, badge: { type, color1, color2, color3, param, flip }, gcl } } }` |
| 101 | + |
| 102 | +# Messages |
| 103 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/messages/index` |
| 104 | + - `{ ok, messages: [ { _id, message: { _id, user, respondent, date, type, text, unread } } ], users: { <user's _id>: { _id, username, badge: { type, color1, color2, color3, param, flip } } } }` |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/messages/list?respondent=55605a6654db1fa952de8d90` |
| 107 | + - `{ ok, messages: [ { _id, date, type, text, unread } ] }` |
| 108 | + |
| 109 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/user/messages/send` |
| 110 | + - post data: `{ respondent, text }` |
| 111 | + - `respondent` is the long _id of the user, not the username |
| 112 | + - response: `{ ok }` |
| 113 | + |
| 114 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/messages/unread-count` |
| 115 | + - `{ ok, count }` |
| 116 | + |
| 117 | +# User information |
| 118 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/auth/me` |
| 119 | + - `{ ok, _id, email, username, cpu, badge: { type, color1, color2, color3, param, flip }, password, notifyPrefs: { sendOnline, errorsInterval, disabledOnMessages, disabled, interval }, gcl, credits, lastChargeTime, lastTweetTime, github: { id, username }, twitter: { username, followers_count } }` |
| 120 | + |
| 121 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/find?username=danny` |
| 122 | + - `{ ok, user: { _id, username, badge: { type, color1, color2, color3, param, flip }, gcl } }` |
| 123 | + |
| 124 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/find?id=55c91dc66e36d62a6167e1b5` |
| 125 | + - `{ ok, user: { _id, username, badge: { type, color1, color2, color3, param, flip }, gcl } }` |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/overview?interval=1440&statName=energyControl` |
| 128 | + - `{ ok, rooms: [ <room name> ], stats: { <room name>: [ { value, endTime } ] }, statsMax }` |
| 129 | + |
| 130 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/respawn-prohibited-rooms` |
| 131 | + - `{ ok, rooms: [ <room name> ] }` |
| 132 | + |
| 133 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/world-status` |
| 134 | + - `{ ok, status }` |
| 135 | + - `status` is usually "normal"; it's unknown what else it can be |
| 136 | + |
| 137 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/world-start-room` |
| 138 | + - `{ ok, room: [ <room name> ] }` |
| 139 | + - `room` is an array, but seems to always contain only one element |
| 140 | + |
| 141 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/xsolla/user` |
| 142 | + - `{ ok, active }` |
| 143 | + - `active` is the Unix timestamp of the end of your current subscribed time |
| 144 | + |
| 145 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/user/console` |
| 146 | + - post data: `{ expression }` |
| 147 | + - response: `{ ok, result: { ok, n }, ops: [ { user, expression, _id } ], insertedCount, insertedIds: [ <mongodb id> ] }` |
| 148 | + |
| 149 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/memory?path=flags.Flag1` |
| 150 | + - `{ ok, data }` |
| 151 | + - `data` is the string `gz:` followed by base64-encoded gzipped JSON encoding of the requested memory path |
| 152 | + - the path may be empty or absent to retrieve all of Memory |
| 153 | + |
| 154 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/user/memory` |
| 155 | + - post data: `{ path, value }` |
| 156 | + - response: `{ ok, result: { ok, n }, ops: [ { user, expression, hidden } ], data, insertedCount, insertedIds }` |
| 157 | + |
| 158 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/user/memory-segment?segment=[0-99]` |
| 159 | + - `{ okay, data }` |
| 160 | + - response: `{ ok, data: '' }` |
| 161 | + |
| 162 | +- [POST ]`https://screeps.com/api/user/memory-segment` |
| 163 | + - post data: `{ segment, data }` |
| 164 | + |
| 165 | + |
| 166 | +# Manipulating the game world |
| 167 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/gen-unique-object-name` |
| 168 | + - post data: `{ type }` |
| 169 | + - response: `{ ok, name }` |
| 170 | + - `type` can be at least "flag" or "spawn" |
| 171 | + |
| 172 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/create-flag` |
| 173 | + - post data: `{ room, x, y, name, color, secondaryColor }` |
| 174 | + - response: `{ ok, result: { nModified, ok, upserted: [ { index, _id } ], n }, connection: { host, id, port } }` |
| 175 | + - if the name is new, `result.upserted[0]._id` is the game id of the created flag |
| 176 | + - if not, this moves the flag and the response does not contain the id (but the id doesn't change) |
| 177 | + - `connection` looks like some internal MongoDB thing that is irrelevant to us |
| 178 | + |
| 179 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/change-flag` |
| 180 | + - post data: `{ _id, room, x, y }` |
| 181 | + - response: `{ ok, result: { nModified, ok, n }, connection: { host, id, port } }` |
| 182 | + |
| 183 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/change-flag-color` |
| 184 | + - post data: `{ _id, color, secondaryColor }` |
| 185 | + - response: `{ ok, result: { nModified, ok, n }, connection: { host, id, port } }` |
| 186 | + |
| 187 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/add-object-intent` |
| 188 | + - post data: `{ _id, room, name, intent }` |
| 189 | + - response: `{ ok, result: { nModified, ok, upserted: [ { index, _id } ], n }, connection: { host, id, port } }` |
| 190 | + - `_id` is the game id of the object to affect (except for destroying structures), `room` is the name of the room it's in |
| 191 | + - this method is used for a variety of actions, depending on the `name` and `intent` parameters |
| 192 | + - remove flag: `name = "remove"`, `intent = {}` |
| 193 | + - destroy structure: `_id = "room"`, `name = "destroyStructure"`, `intent = [ {id: <structure id>, roomName, <room name>, user: <user id>} ]` |
| 194 | + - can destroy multiple structures at once |
| 195 | + - suicide creep: `name = "suicide"`, `intent = {id: <creep id>}` |
| 196 | + - unclaim controller: `name = "unclaim"`, `intent = {id: <controller id>}` |
| 197 | + - intent can be an empty object for suicide and unclaim, but the web interface sends the id in it, as described |
| 198 | + - remove construction site: `name = "remove"`, `intent = {}` |
| 199 | + |
| 200 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/set-notify-when-attacked` |
| 201 | + - post data: `{ _id, enabled }` |
| 202 | + - `enabled` is either `true` or `false` (literal values, not strings) |
| 203 | + - response: `{ ok, result: { ok, nModified, n }, connection: { id, host, port } }` |
| 204 | + |
| 205 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/create-construction` |
| 206 | + - post data: `{ room, structureType, x, y}` |
| 207 | + - `structureType` is the same value as one of the in-game STRUCTURE_* constants ('road', 'spawn', etc.) |
| 208 | + - `{ ok, result: { ok, n }, ops: [ { type, room, x, y, structureType, user, progress, progressTotal, _id } ], insertedCount, insertedIds }` |
| 209 | + |
| 210 | +# Other |
| 211 | +- `https://screeps.com/api/game/time` |
| 212 | + - `{ ok, time }` |
| 213 | + |
| 214 | +- [GET/POST] `https://screeps.com/api/user/code` |
| 215 | + - for pushing or pulling code, as documented at http://support.screeps.com/hc/en-us/articles/203022612 |
| 216 | + |
| 217 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/api/game/map-stats` |
| 218 | + - post data: `{ rooms: [ <room name> ], statName: "..."}` |
| 219 | + - statName can be "owner0", "claim0", or a stat (see the enumeration above) followed by an interval |
| 220 | + - if it is owner0 or claim0, there's no separate stat block in the response |
| 221 | + - response: `{ ok, stats: { <room name>: { status, novice, own: { user, level }, <stat>: [ { user, value } ] } }, users: { <user's _id>: { _id, username, badge: { type, color1, color2, color3, param, flip } } } }` |
| 222 | + - `status` and `novice` are as per the `room-status` call |
| 223 | + - `level` can be 0 to indicate a reserved room |
| 224 | + |
| 225 | +- `https://screeps.com/room-history/E1N8/12340.json` |
| 226 | + - `{ timestamp, room, base, ticks: { <time>: <tick update object> } }` |
| 227 | + - the number in the URL is the tick to retrieve information for (from 5e5 ticks ago to about 50 ticks ago) |
| 228 | + - note that the web interface only shows up to 3e5 ticks ago |
| 229 | + - the tick must be a multiple of 20; the response includes information for the 20 ticks starting then |
| 230 | + - for the first tick in the result, the tick update object maps from object ids to full object descriptions |
| 231 | + - for later ticks, the update includes only changed attributes |
| 232 | + - timestamp is milliseconds since the Unix epoch |
| 233 | + |
| 234 | +- [POST] `https://screeps.com/user/activate-ptr` |
| 235 | + - `{ok, result: { ok, nModified, n }, connection: { id, host, port } }` |
| 236 | + - only works on the PTR |
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