<orgSetting minSupportedVersion="" maxSupportedVersion="9.9.9999.9999" name="IgnoreInternalEmailDetectionEnhancement" isOrganizationAttribute="false" min="" max="" defaultValue="true" settingType="Boolean" supportUrl="http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2691237" urlTitle="KB 2691237" description="Enabled by default, improves the detection logic when IgnoreInternalEmail is enabled. The previous behavior would reject any emails that sent from CRM users, regardless of whether the originating email was sent from Dynamics. The new logic now checks for an opposite direction code of the email, with the same messageIdm, before rejecting. For example, if the process evaluates an incoming email sent from another CRM user, the email will be rejected by this process only if the system can locate a copy of the email with the opposite direction code (outgoing) and messageId in Dynamics. Otherwise, the email will continue to be evaluated for tracking in accordance with the recipient track settings." />
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