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Commit 6478680

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Merge pull request #64 from seanmcne/OrganizationSettingsEditor_8.0_Managed_1.0.2103.0802
Commit OrganizationSettingsEditor_8.0_Managed_1.0.2103.0802 disableSmartMatchingEmailHashCreation
2 parents 903e0e6 + 0d55307 commit 6478680

File tree

1 file changed

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1 file changed

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Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
<orgSetting minSupportedVersion="9.2.21012.103" maxSupportedVersion="9.9.9999.9999" name="SSSCreateAdditionalQueueItemsForAlreadyTrackedEmail" isOrganizationAttribute="false" min="" max="" defaultValue="false" settingType="Boolean" supportUrl="" urlTitle="KB 2691237" description="When enabled, Server-Side Synchronization will create an additional queue item for an email found in a queue mailbox if the email has already been delivered to Dynamics by another user or queue." />
<orgSetting minSupportedVersion="" maxSupportedVersion="9.9.9999.9999" name="MailAppWindowsIntegratedAuthEnabled" isOrganizationAttribute="false" min="" max="" defaultValue="false" settingType="Boolean" supportUrl="" urlTitle="KB 2691237" description="When enabled, allows the app four outlook to use windows integration authentication." />
<orgSetting minSupportedVersion="9.1.0000.17108" maxSupportedVersion="9.9.9999.9999" name="EnableMailboxDelegationForOutgoingEmail" isOrganizationAttribute="false" min="" max="" defaultValue="true" settingType="Boolean" supportUrl="" urlTitle="KB 2691237" description="When enabled, Server Side Sync will use the Dynamics and Exchange mailbox of the email submitter to send the email and not the mailbox of the user / queue in the from field. This is only supported on the Exchange OnPrem / Exchange online Email Server Profile. Proper delegation permissions need to be assigned in Exchange for the email submitter. &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;" />
<orgSetting minSupportedVersion="9.2.21022.133" maxSupportedVersion="9.9.9999.9999" name="DisableSmartMatchingEmailHashCreation" isOrganizationAttribute="false" min="" max="" defaultValue="false" settingType="Boolean" supportUrl="" urlTitle="KB 2691237" description="This setting will allow a customer that is not (and never will) use Smart Matching to prevent the creation of EmailHashBase data. Even with Smart Matching disabled this data will still be created during email processing which can affect both performance and storage. If you do not want to use Smart Matching and forsee never using smart matching this will enable you to reduce storage and improve performance. " />
<!--ORGANIZTION ATTRIBUTE Settings - these are NOT OrgDbOrgSettings but Organization.Attribute(s) -->
<orgSetting minSupportedVersion="" maxSupportedVersion="9.9.9999.9999" name="appointmentricheditorexperience" isOrganizationAttribute="true" min="" max="" defaultValue="false" settingType="Boolean" supportUrl="" urlTitle="Organization entity attributes" description="When you enable the rich text experience, server-side synchronization and appointment activities support rich text. With the rich text editor, appointment descriptions can contain rich text. After enabling, if you choose to disable the setting, the appointment editor description field will reset to the plain-text field. Previously synchronized appointments' description will still contain rich-text HTML markup. Although the rich text editor can be used with appointment activities, it can’t be used with recurring appointments. When an appointment that contains rich text is converted to a recurring appointment, the description field for the activity is converted to a plain-text field containing rich text content." />
<orgSetting minSupportedVersion="" maxSupportedVersion="9.9.9999.9999" name="EnableUnifiedInterfaceShellRefresh" isOrganizationAttribute="true" min="" max="" defaultValue="false" settingType="Boolean" supportUrl="" urlTitle="Organization entity attributes" description="As of 1/15/2019 the default is Disabled but the default may be True for newly provisioned instances. Enabled/True or enables the new UCI Sitemap, if this is set to disabled the new UCI sitemap changes will be disabled." />

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