- Added support and updated dependencies for 15 QPR2
- Added support for user CA certificates
- Fixed issue where many Go server implementations of WebDAV did not work with the WebDAV client in Seedvault
- Bumped the app data quota from 1GB to 3GB
- Nextcloud app is no longer allowed for backup (Use built-in WebDAV Cloud support!)
- Improved handling of metered networks, if disallowed, the backup process will be aborted
- Fixed backup errors with USB when file and app backup are both on
- Fixed overdue backups not automatically starting when USB drives are plugged in
- The size of each app backup is now shown on the restore screen
- Fixed a common error (StaleDataException) causing backups to fail
- Fixed error message when no backups are available to restore
- Implemented a wrapper for the backend with a retrying mechanism, giving us less common errors
- Updated dependencies for 15 QPR1
- It is now possible to verify the integrity of file backups as well, partially or fully
- Improve files backup snapshot UI
- Allow changing backup location when USB drive isn't plugged in
- Fix work profile USB backup
- It is now possible to verify the integrity of app backups, partially or fully
- The entire WebDAV URL is now shown when in settings
- A launch button is now shown for apps that are force-stopped so that they can be backed up
- First Android 15 release
- New backup format using compression and deduplication
- Can still restore old backups, but old Seedvault can't restore backups from this version
- Faster and more reliable backups making snapshots that can individually be restored
- Auto-cleaning of old backups
- All backups now mimic device-to-device (allowing backup for all apps)
- All backups now use a high per-app app quota
- App backup (for APKs) moved to expert settings
- Show more information for backups available to restore
- Fix "Waiting to back up..." showing for apps
- It is now possible to restore after setting up a profile
- It is now possible to select what to restore (e.g. apps, files...)
- Automatic backup scheduling can now be modified by the user
- Native support for WebDAV
- Support for RoundSync (if enabled by the OS)
- Now in Material 3
- Name of profile is now shown when selecting a backup to restore
- Already installed apps are not reinstalled anymore
- Already stored files do not create duplicates anymore
- Respect policy when the installation of apps is disallowed
- Storage backup is now beta instead of experimental
- D2D is now alpha instead of experimental
- Various corrections to the UI
- Add experimental support for forcing "D2D" transfer backups
- Pretend to be a device-to-device transfer to allow backing up many apps which prevent backup
- Stop backing up excluded app APKs
- Show size of app backups in Backup Status screen
- Slight improvements to color scheme
- Development: Improve CI testing setup
- Android 14
- Mark Nextcloud as "Not recommended"
- Warn before turning off backups
- Avoid corrupting old backups when turning off backups
- Pre-grant
permission for Storage backups
- Add expert option to save logs
- Add more details about branching to README
- Improvements for debug builds
- Documentation improvements
- Better error handling in some cases
- Some Android 13 upgrades
- Initial release for Android 13
- Don't attempt to restore app that is used as a backup location (e.g. Nextcloud), because can cause restore to abort early
- Upgrade several libraries
- Initial release for Android 12
- Use the same (faster and more secure) crypto that storage backups use, for app backup.
- Avoid leaking installed app list through filenames by using salted names
- Old backups can still be restored, but new backups will be made with this format
- If you generated the recovery code / setup Seedvault before 11-1.2, you will be prompted to generate a new code.
- Improve backup behavior in general
- Fix translations for the new BIP39 library
- Switch all translations references to github.com/seedvault-app
- Don't backup on metered networks
- Disable spell-checker on recovery code input
- Disable Nextcloud restore when not installed and no store available
- Ask for system authentication before storing a new recovery code
- Prevent screenshots of recovery code
- Add expert settings with an option for unlimited quota
- Allow launching restore through a dialer code
- Restrict exported components
- Improve .editorconfig setup
- Move LocalContactsBackup to product partition
- Link FAQ in Readme to make it more discoverable
- Compares kotlin-bip39 library with bitcoinj library
- Provide an overview over key derivations
- document potential information leakage through the long-lived SQL caches
- Add warning for third-party tools to README
- Switch to a different BIP39 library due to licensing
- Not tagged as a stable release
- Storage backup!
- Not tagged as a stable release
- Fix local contacts backup on LineageOS.
- Minor string fixes.
- Make recovery code fit on smaller screens / larger densities
- Sync app colors with system Settings theme for consistency
- Translations update, both existing languages and new.
- Switch all text references to github.com/seedvault-app
- Don't crash when storage app gets uninstalled
- Allow verifying and re-generating the 12 word recovery code
- Prepare for storage backup
- gradle: Use AOSP platform key for signing
- Change versioning scheme to include Android version
- 11-1.0 is the first release for Android 11
- Incomplete changelog entry, lots of changes done
- APK backup and restore support with the option to toggle them off.
- Note to auto-restore setting in case removable storage is used.
- UX for showing which packages were restored and which failed.
- Show heads-up notification when auto-restore fails due to removed storage.
- Show list of apps and their backup status.
- Support for excluding apps from backups.
- Device initialization and generation of new backup tokens.
- Automatic daily backups that run in the background.
- User friendly UI for creating and restoring backups.
- Support to backing up to and restoring from removable storage.
- Application can now be configured in the settings app.
- BIP39 is now used for key generation.
- This contains breaking changes, any backups made prior to this release can no longer be restored.
- Application can no longer be built in the Android source tree. It must be built using Gradle and binaries can now be found here: https://github.com/seedvault-app/seedvault-prebuilt
- Transport encryption. Some of the application data was not included during encryption.
- This contains breaking changes, any backups made prior to this release can no longer be restored.
- Support for encrypted backups with a 256-bit AES key generated from a password using PBKDF2.
- Downgrade SDK target version to 26 due to #15.
- Action bar options for selecting all packages during backup / restore.
- Upgrade compile SDK version to 28.
- Upgrade target SDK version to 28.
- Ignore
to resolve #14.