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Telegram Bot Poll Creator

This project contains an AWS Lambda function and Terraform configuration to create polls about participating in a quiz game in Telegram. The Lambda function sends messages to a Telegram channel, retrieves updates from a connected group, and creates polls based on those updates.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

├── src
│   ├──                # Lambda function code
│   ├── requirements.txt       # Python dependency definitions
│   └── (other source files or folders)
└── terraform
    ├──                # Terraform configuration
    ├──           # Input variables
    ├── backend.hcl            # Backend configuration (not committed; see below)
    └── (other Terraform files)



1. Clone the repository:

 git clone
 cd quiz-please-poll

2. Install Python Dependencies

The dependencies are not committed to the repository. To install them into the src folder, run:

pip install --upgrade --target ./src -r src/requirements.txt

This command installs all required Python packages into the src directory so that they are included in the Lambda deployment package.

3. Configure the Terraform Backend and Variables

Terraform uses an S3 backend for state storage. Since sensitive information should not be committed to the repository, create a separate backend configuration file.

Create a file named backend.hcl inside the terraform folder with content similar to:

bucket       = "your-tf-state-bucket"                  # Replace with your S3 bucket name
key          = "your-resource-name/terraform.tfstate"  # Adjust as needed
region       = "us-east-1"                             # Your AWS region
profile      = "your_aws_profile"                      # The AWS CLI profile to use
encrypt      = true
use_lockfile = true

Create a terraform.tfvars file with the necessary variables. Example:

aws_credentials_file       = "~/.aws/credentials"
aws_profile                = "your_aws_profile"
bot_name                   = "YourBotName"
bot_token                  = "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN"
channel_id                 = "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID"
group_id                   = "YOUR_GROUP_ID"
dynamodb_reg_table_arn     = "arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789012:table/QuizPleaesReg"

4. Initialize Terraform

Change to the terraform directory and initialize Terraform using the backend configuration:

cd terraform
terraform init -backend-config=backend.hcl

This command sets up the backend and downloads required providers.

5. Review and Apply the Terraform Configuration

First, run a plan to see the changes that Terraform will apply:

terraform plan

If everything looks correct, deploy the resources with:

terraform apply

Confirm the apply action when prompted.

Environment Variables

The Lambda function uses the following environment variables:

  • DYNAMODB_REG_TABLE_NAME: Name of the DynamoDB registration table.
  • DYNAMODB_UPDATE_TABLE_NAME: Name of the DynamoDB update table (created by Terraform).
  • BOT_NAME: Name of the Telegram bot.
  • BOT_TOKEN: Token for the Telegram bot.
  • CHANNEL_ID: ID of the Telegram channel.
  • GROUP_ID: ID of the Telegram group.

These variables are set in the Terraform configuration and passed to the Lambda function during deployment.


Once deployed, the Lambda function will run every Wednesday and Friday at 15:00 UTC, the schedule may be adjusted in It will:

  1. Load games from the DynamoDB registration table.
  2. Send a message to the Telegram channel for each game.
  3. Retrieve recent updates from the connected Telegram group.
  4. Create a poll in the group based on the updates.
  5. Update the DynamoDB table with the poll creation status.

Logs for the Lambda function can be viewed in AWS CloudWatch.

Clean Up

To remove all resources created by Terraform, run:

terraform destroy

This will tear down the deployed AWS resources.