Hey there,
recently, I observed that my environment is using the word „insane“ quite often.
Calling that out as ableist does not help them much, because they ask for alternative words.
Recently I ran into and would propose to evaluate the alternatives suggested there:
- Wild
- Bananas
- Odd
- Strange
- Eccentric
- Outlandish
- Silly
- Ignorant
- Ridiculous
- Unnatural
- Outrageous
- Out of this world
- Exciting
- Infatuated
- Passionate
- Enthusiastic
- Impractical
- Senseless
- Foolishness
- Silliness
- Irrationality
- Absurdity
- Ridiculousness
I am not sure how to credit the source properly.
Are there words you would like to add or remove?
I'm willing to create a PR once those questions are answered.