Ensure considers accessibility per #48.
Tools to be integrated
- ESLint (🏡 Install ESLint && Ava #78)
- Prettier
- Stylelint (⚙️ Add stylelint and base configuration (see #74) #92)
- Editorconfig
- axe
- Unit Testing (🏡 Install ESLint && Ava #78)
- Codecov (or a similar tool for collecting test coverage)
- e2e testing (Cypress?)
Dev infrastructure
These tooling will enable us to ensure consistent code quality across branches and remove the need for manual style corrections in PRs.
If we find a way to apply the formatting configured through the tools above for contributors who are not able to set up an advanced dev workflow on their machines (no shame in that) this will be A++.
- Husky or another solution for running npm scripts pre-push and/or -commit
- lint-staged
- CI (CircleCI or GitHub actions might make sense; CD is handled by Netlify)
There are probably things I miss right now. Will keep the list updated. And if anyone reading this has input, please post it!
This list shall act as a tracking issue.
If you want to work on integrating of one or more of these tools, please open a PR and I will link it in the list. Thanks.
EDIT: by @ovlb; added tracking list