This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
Config Migration Needed
- Select this checkbox to let Renovate create an automated Config Migration PR.
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- chore(deps): update dependency sequelize to v6.37.5
- fix(deps): update dependency @rushstack/ts-command-line to v4.23.5
- chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v5
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v9
- chore(deps): update devdependencies (major) (
) - chore(deps): update github artifact actions to v4 (major) (
) - chore(deps): update pnpm to v10
- 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- chore(deps): update devdependencies (
) - chore(deps): update lint (
) - fix(deps): update dependency fast-glob to v3.3.3
- chore(deps): update pnpm to v8.15.9
- fix(deps): update dependency type-fest to v4.34.1
- Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
Detected dependencies
actions/checkout v4
codecov/codecov-action v3
actions/checkout v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/upload-artifact v3
actions/setup-node v4
actions/checkout v4
actions/download-artifact v3
actions/checkout v4
apexskier/github-release-commenter v1
@rushstack/ts-command-line ^4.12.2
emittery ^0.13.0
fast-glob ^3.3.2
pony-cause ^2.1.4
type-fest ^4.0.0
@types/lodash 4.17.0
@types/node 20.12.7
@types/uuid 8.3.4
@types/verror 1.10.10
@vitest/coverage-v8 ^0.34.6
@vitest/ui ^0.34.6
del ^5.0.0
eslint 8.57.0
eslint-plugin-mmkal 0.5.1
execa ^5.1.1
expect-type 0.19.0
fs-syncer 0.5.3
lodash 4.17.21
np 10.0.5
p-event ^4.0.0
pkg-pr-new 0.0.20
sequelize 6.37.3
source-map-support 0.5.21
sqlite3 5.1.7
strip-ansi 6.0.1
ts-node 10.9.2
typescript 4.9.5
uuid 9.0.1
verror 1.10.1
vitest ^0.34.6
node >=12
pnpm 8.10.2
- Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository