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Clean up docs for react-webpack-rails-tutorial #525




The tutorial is a great resource that can help a lot of developers who want to use react in combination with rails. However, after thoroughly going through it, I believe there are a couple of recommendations I would like to make to help it become even better.

  • Old and outdated links: In a fast technological world where everything seems to change quickly and things get outdated within a few months if not weeks, there is the need to update and use the latest information or tutorials to give the user a smooth and nice experience without any setbacks. However, I encountered some references and links to tutorials as old as 8 years. A few of such examples are listed below:

    1. The testimonial from Joel Hooks, co-founder, chief Nerd at is more than 6 years (January 30, 2017). I strongly believe with the improvements and iterations ShakaCode has gone through since then, there should be new latest testimonials from companies which will better tell the story. Also further reference to the projects and kudos and testimonials for using react-rails dates back to 2018 which needs an update.

    2. Under the videos section in the readme file, all the three videos hosted on youtube are more than 6 years old. You can even see Justin Gordon (the host), saying: “Yes, I plan to update this! There are a few differences” under one of the comments (and that is 5 years ago!).

    3. This article, which is more than 8 years old, was referred to as an example of how to use React with Css Modules inside of Rails.

    4. Under the title Fonts with SASS, a reference was made to this fonts, which is more than 8 years old as the font files loaded by the Rails asset pipeline and the webpacker HMR server.

    5. Another link which is close to 8 years old is the link to Pete Hunt's Webpack Howto, under the title, Webpack, Additional Resources.

  • Broken link: I also noticed a broken link, under the title “Rails Integration”. I believe this may be an oversight which needs fixing as soon as possible.

  • No alternative instructions given. Under the title “Basic Demo Setup”, I noticed that instructions were given on how to install and set up Redis for MacOs users using Homebrew. However, no alternative instructions were given to the users of Linux and Windows (you will be surprised how many people are using these OS).

The above listed points are just a few of the things I noticed which can be resolved to help improve the tutorial.




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