By @shanalikhan
Before starting this feature, Settings Sync required code requires refactoring. You can take #937 as a baseline for refactoring to start working.
Following are the feature i see for git sync.
1. It should ask either backup needs to be saved on Github Gist or simple Git Repository.
2. Once the User select the Git Repo, it should setup accordingly.
3. Provide user option to either use Github or GitLab and create a repository from there by their profile tokens.
4. By Download means, user can do `git pull` forcefully.
5. By Upload means, user can do `git push` forcefully.
6. Allow user to setup branches or profiles like `master` and `office` and keep the selected profile / branch in Sync Global Settings and download/ upload to that branch.
7. When user is switched to Gist, it should not upload the Git folder there.
8. Support Github and Gitlab Enterprise versions
9. Complete New UI with integrated with above features to allow users to change via UI
Originally by @smbkr
It would be useful to be able to upload the settings to a repo instead of a gist, the way that JetBrains IDEs sync, so that the changes could be versioned and rolled back as desired.
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