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230 lines (200 loc) · 8.44 KB

OpenGL Space Shooter Game

See the code walk-through on YouTube.

About the Project

This is a Space Shooter Game programmed in C++ using OpenGL and GLFW libraries. The goal is to take out the spaceships without taking damage. Each hit removes one heart from your life pool.

Keyboard Controls

The enemy spaceship pattern can be changed with the UP and DOWN keys. The spaceship controls are WASD and UP, DOWN, LEFT,and RIGHT. SPACE to attack.



Parallax Scrolling Effects

We can accomplish the parallax scrolling background effect that gives the illusion of horizontal movement with the following code

// post_processing.vs
    else if(parallax)
       TexCoords = vec2(texture.x - .8 * time/6, texture.y );
    else if(parallaxslow)
       TexCoords = vec2(texture.x- .8 * time/6, texture.y);

Keyboard Controls

We set the key controls in the processInput(dt) function where delta time is a parameter. With the following code, we set WASD and UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT to contol the spaceship's movement.

void Game::ProcessInput(float dt)
    float velocity = PLAYER_VELOCITY/5 * dt;
    // ...
    if (this->State == GAME_ACTIVE || this->State == GAME_ATTACK)
        float velocity = PLAYER_VELOCITY * dt;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_SPACE])
            this->State = GAME_ATTACK;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_A])
            if (Player->Position.x >= 0.0f)
                Player->Position.x -= velocity;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_LEFT])
            if (Player->Position.x >= 0.0f)
                Player->Position.x -= velocity;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_RIGHT])
            if (Player->Position.x <= this->Width - Player->Size.x)
                Player->Position.x += velocity;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_D])
            if (Player->Position.x <= this->Width - Player->Size.x)
                Player->Position.x += velocity;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_UP])
            if (Player->Position.y >= 0.0f)
                Player->Position.y -= velocity;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_W])
            if (Player->Position.x <= this->Width - Player->Size.x)
                Player->Position.x += velocity;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_DOWN])
            if (Player->Position.y <= this->Height - Player->Size.y)
                Player->Position.y += velocity;
        if (this->Keys[GLFW_KEY_S])
            if (Player->Position.y <= this->Height - Player->Size.y)
                Player->Position.y += velocity;
// ...

Render Loop

The render loop draws our items to the screen depending on the game state (GAME_ACTIVE, GAME_MENU, GAME_WIN, GAME_ATTACK, GAME_HURT, or GAME_LOSE)

void Game::Render()
    if (this->State == GAME_ACTIVE || this->State == GAME_MENU || this->State == GAME_WIN || this->State == GAME_ATTACK || this->State == GAME_HURT || this->State == GAME_LOSE)
        Renderer->DrawSprite(ResourceManager::GetTexture("background"), glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f), glm::vec2(this->Width, this->Height), 0.0f);
       // Background->Draw(*Renderer);
        // here we end the effects to scroll only the background and not the rest of the scene
        for (PowerUp& powerUp : this->PowerUps)
            if (!powerUp.Destroyed)
        if (Lives ==3) 
        if (Lives == 2)
        if (Lives == 1)

       // std::stringstream ss; ss << this->Lives;
      //  std::stringstream pp; pp << this->Points;
       // Text->RenderText("Points:" + pp.str(), 5.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f);
    if (this->State == GAME_MENU)
        Text->RenderText("Press ENTER to start", this->Width / 2.0f - 200.0f, this->Height / 2.0f, 1.0f);
        Text->RenderText("Press UP or DOWN to select level", this->Width / 2.0f - 225.0f, this->Height / 2.0f + 20.0f, 0.75f);

    if (this->State == GAME_ATTACK)
        glm::vec2 playerPos = glm::vec2(Player->Position.x, Player->Position.y);
        glm::vec2 ballPos = playerPos + glm::vec2(PLAYER_SIZE.x / 2.0f - BALL_RADIUS, -BALL_RADIUS * 2.0f);
        Ball = new BallObject(ballPos, BALL_RADIUS, INITIAL_BALL_VELOCITY, ResourceManager::GetTexture("face"));
        this->State = GAME_ACTIVE;
    if (this->State == GAME_WIN)
        Text->RenderText("You WON!!!", this->Width / 2.0f - 70.0f, this->Height / 2.0f - 20.0f, 1.0f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
        Text->RenderText("Press ENTER to retry or ESC to quit", this->Width / 2.0f - 260.0f, this->Height / 2.0f, 1.0f, glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
    if (this->State == GAME_LOSE)
        Text->RenderText("You LOST!!!", this->Width / 2.0f - 70.0f, this->Height / 2.0f - 20.0f, 1.0f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
        Text->RenderText("Press ENTER to retry or ESC to quit", this->Width / 2.0f - 260.0f, this->Height / 2.0f, 1.0f, glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

Collision Checking

With the following code, we check for collisions between our game objects:

bool CheckCollision(GameObject& one, GameObject& two) // AABB - AABB collision

    bool collisionX = one.Position.x + one.Size.x >= two.Position.x &&
        two.Position.x + two.Size.x >= one.Position.x;
    bool collisionY = one.Position.y + one.Size.y >= two.Position.y &&
        two.Position.y + two.Size.y >= one.Position.y;
    return collisionX && collisionY;

Collision CheckCollision(BallObject& one, GameObject& two) // AABB - Circle collision

    glm::vec2 center(one.Position + one.Radius);
    glm::vec2 aabb_half_extents(two.Size.x / 2.0f, two.Size.y / 2.0f);
    glm::vec2 aabb_center(two.Position.x + aabb_half_extents.x, two.Position.y + aabb_half_extents.y);
    glm::vec2 difference = center - aabb_center;
    glm::vec2 clamped = glm::clamp(difference, -aabb_half_extents, aabb_half_extents);
    glm::vec2 closest = aabb_center + clamped;
    difference = closest - center;
    if (glm::length(difference) < one.Radius) 
        return std::make_tuple(true, VectorDirection(difference), difference);
        return std::make_tuple(false, UP, glm::vec2(0.0f, 0.0f));

Photoshop Tutorials

Here is a Photoshop tutorial where I design the spaceships and other game assets and here is a tutorial that demonstrates how to configure your projects in Visual Studio.

XCode Usage

  1. Open a terminal in the project directory and run the code to remove the old build folder and generate a new one with the Xcode project file.
rm -rf build 
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Xcode ..
  1. Set the working directory in Xcode using Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme > Run Debug > Options > Working Directory > (Check Set Custom) > Project directory/build.

  2. Build and run the project.


View my full list of references including images (various) and code from here.


  • The code is based on the Breakout game by Nolan Bushnell and Steve Bristow (Atari).
  • The tutorial code is © Joey DeVries and licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License.
  • Modifications and additional contributions are © Shera Adams and licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Proudly crafted with ❤️ by Shera Adams.