It'd be really nice if max_depth took an arrayref like some of the other arguments. That, or if there was a special no recursion option ....
I have a situation where I have Package::Plugins::SubPlugins::SubSubPlugins; SomewhereElse::Plugins::SubPlugins ... and I'd like for [qw(Package Somewhere::Else)] to give the Package::Plugins and Somewhere::Else::Plugins without finding the SubPlugins until later.
So I end up doing either
only=>do { local $"="|"; qr{^(?:@prefix)::[^:]+\z} })
or something like this
Module::Pluggable::Object->new(search_path=>$_)->plugins for @prefixes;
It'd be nice if I could say match_and_stop_recursion => 1 or max_depth=>[3,4,2] or something.