Releases: simonwistow/Module-Pluggable
Releases · simonwistow/Module-Pluggable
- Fix docs
- Fix problem with PAUSE upload
- Fix calling the correct method when instantiating (Doh!)
- Hopefully stop smoker failures
- Allow triggers on events which gives a powerful way to modify behaviour (Tim Brody @timbrody, Dan Dascalescu, Paul Evans @leonerd, Jens Rehsack @rehsack Dean Hamstead @djzort)
- Put documentation in about behaviour under blib and test, allow searching outside blib under test (suggestion from Stephen Baynes @sbaynes)
- Made following symlinks the default behaviour, added ability to turn that off (Aran Deltac @bluefeet)
- Fix installation path (Matthias Dietrich @rainboxx, Todd Rinaldo @toddr)
- Allow min_depth and max_depth (as per suggestion from Jens Rehsack @rehsack)
- Set our @inc up to include and prefer our search_dirs if necessary (as per suggestion from Ian Goodacre @ig3)
- Switch to Module::Build