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118 lines (88 loc) · 8.04 KB


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A Terraform module to enable Slack notifications for Cloud Build events.

Note - This will add the following resources to your project:

  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket for storing the notifier configuration
  • Google Pub/Sub for events emitted from Cloud Build
  • Google Cloud Run for processing the events emitted from Cloud Build

This module is based on the instructions found in GCP's Configuring Slack notifications guide.


You will need a Slack app incoming webhook url stored in a Google Secret Manager secret for this to work.

  • Create a Slack app for your desired Slack workspace.
  • Activate incoming webhooks to post messages from Cloud Build to Slack.
  • Create a new secret in Google Secret Manager and store the webhook url in it.

Pre-commit Hooks

Pre-commit hooks have been configured for this repo.

The enabled hooks check for a variety of common problems in Terraform code, and will run any time you commit to your branch.

Pre-commit (and dependencies) can be installed by following the instructions found here:

To enable the hooks locally, run the following from the root of this repo: pre-commit install

To uninstall the hooks, run the following from the root of this repo: pre-commit uninstall

To skip running the hooks when you commit: git commit -n aka git commit --no-verify

Currently enabled plugins:

  • pre-commit-terraform
    • terraform_fmt: Rewrites all Terraform configuration files to a canonical format
    • terraform_docs: Inserts input and output documentation into
    • terraform_validate: Validates all Terraform configuration files
  • pre-commit-hooks
    • end-of-file-fixer: Makes sure files end in a newline and only a newline
    • trailing-whitespace: Trims trailing whitespace
    • check-merge-conflict: Check for files that contain merge conflict strings


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
google >= 3.20
google-beta >= 3.30
random >= 2.1


Name Version
google >= 3.20
google-beta >= 3.30
random >= 2.1


No modules.


Name Type
google-beta_google_cloud_run_service.cloud_build_notifier resource
google-beta_google_project_service_identity.pubsub resource
google_project_iam_member.notifier_project_roles resource
google_project_iam_member.pubsub_invoker_roles resource
google_project_iam_member.pubsub_project_roles resource
google_project_service.apis resource
google_pubsub_subscription.cloud_builds resource
google_pubsub_topic.cloud_builds resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.notifier_secret_accessor resource
google_service_account.notifier resource
google_service_account.pubsub_invoker resource
google_storage_bucket.cloud_build_notifier resource
google_storage_bucket_object.cloud_build_notifier_config resource
google_storage_bucket_object.slack_template resource
random_id.cloud_build_notifier resource
random_id.cloud_build_notifier_service resource
google_secret_manager_secret_version.slack_webhook_url data source


Name Description Type Default
cloud_build_event_filter The CEL filter to apply to incoming Cloud Build events. string "build.substitutions['BRANCH_NAME'] == 'main' && build.status in [Build.Status.SUCCESS, Build.Status.FAILURE, Build.Status.TIMEOUT]"
cloud_build_notifier_image The image to use for the notifier. string ""
disable_services_on_destroy If true, the service APIs used will be disabled on destroy. bool false
name The name to use on all resources created. string n/a
override_slack_template_json Custom template to use for the Slack notifications, which overrides the default. string ""
project_id Project ID of the project in which Cloud Build is running. string n/a
region The region in which to deploy the notifier service. string "us-central1"
slack_webhook_url_secret_id The ID of an existing Google Secret Manager secret, containing a Slack webhook URL. This is usually the id from the output of a google_secret_manager_secret resource. string n/a
slack_webhook_url_secret_project The project ID containing the slack_webhook_url_secret_id. string n/a


No outputs.