Select all that apply:
- I don't know
Reproducible in:
The Slack SDK version
@slack/[email protected]
@slack/[email protected]
Node.js runtime version
OS info
ProductName: macOS
ProductVersion: 12.5
BuildVersion: 21G72
Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Sat Jun 18 17:07:22 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.140.41~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
Steps to reproduce:
const fileUploadResp = await slackClient.files.upload({
channels: channelId,
file: readFileStream(pathToFile),
filename: || 'unknown_filename',
filetype: file.filetype,
initial_comment: `Uploaded by <@${message.authorId}>`,
thread_ts: threadTs,
const uploadedFile = fileUploadResp.file
const fileUploadV2Resp = await slackClient.files.uploadV2({
channel_id: channelId,
file_uploads: => ({
file: readFileStream(filePathsByFileId[]),
filename: || 'unknown_filename',
initial_comment: `Uploaded by <@${message.authorId}>`,
thread_ts: threadTs,
const fileUploads = fileUploadV2Resp.files[0].files
Expected result:
An example of a file object returned by the to-be-deprecated files.upload
method. This matches the object shown here in the docs:
id: 'F07P0LRQQ6N',
created: 1727277704,
timestamp: 1727277704,
name: 'Screen Shot 2024-06-04 at 4.44.34 PM.png',
title: 'Screen Shot 2024-06-04 at 4.44.34 PM',
mimetype: 'image/png',
filetype: 'png',
pretty_type: 'PNG',
user: 'U04JUMFCGE6',
user_team: 'TU7B08JCV',
editable: false,
size: 997126,
mode: 'hosted',
is_external: false,
external_type: '',
is_public: false,
public_url_shared: false,
display_as_bot: false,
username: '',
url_private: '',
url_private_download: '',
media_display_type: 'unknown',
thumb_64: '',
thumb_80: '',
thumb_360: '',
thumb_360_w: 360,
thumb_360_h: 184,
thumb_480: '',
thumb_480_w: 480,
thumb_480_h: 245,
thumb_160: '',
thumb_720: '',
thumb_720_w: 720,
thumb_720_h: 368,
thumb_800: '',
thumb_800_w: 800,
thumb_800_h: 408,
thumb_960: '',
thumb_960_w: 960,
thumb_960_h: 490,
thumb_1024: '',
thumb_1024_w: 1024,
thumb_1024_h: 523,
original_w: 2668,
original_h: 1362,
thumb_tiny: 'AwAYADDR79TSjnvSY5pQMUAL+NFFFABR3opO9AC4ooooAKKKKAENH8VDdqP4qAP/2Q==',
permalink: '',
permalink_public: '',
comments_count: 0,
is_starred: false,
shares: { private: { D04KJCKG3G8: [Array] } },
channels: [],
groups: [],
ims: [ 'D04KJCKG3G8' ],
has_more_shares: false,
has_rich_preview: false,
file_access: 'visible'
Actual result:
This is an example of a file object returned by the new, recommended files.uploadV2
method. You can see that many fields are either missing or empty when compared to the file type shown in the api docs. Most notably, for our purposes, are mimetype
, shares
, channels
, and groups
. The new, reduced file object is consistent between the initial return from files.uploadV2
and subsequent calls to
after a successful upload.
id: 'F07P0GNNNKU',
created: 1727276530,
timestamp: 1727276530,
name: 'Screen Shot 2024-06-04 at 4.44.34 PM.png',
title: 'Screen Shot 2024-06-04 at 4.44.34 PM.png',
mimetype: '',
filetype: '',
pretty_type: '',
user: 'U04JUMFCGE6',
user_team: 'TU7B08JCV',
editable: false,
size: 997126,
mode: 'hosted',
is_external: false,
external_type: '',
is_public: false,
public_url_shared: false,
display_as_bot: false,
username: '',
url_private: '',
url_private_download: '',
media_display_type: 'unknown',
permalink: '',
permalink_public: '',
favorites: [],
is_starred: false,
shares: {},
channels: [],
groups: [],
ims: [],
has_more_shares: false,
has_rich_preview: false,
file_access: 'visible',
comments_count: 0
For general questions/issues about Slack API platform or its server-side, could you submit questions at instead. 🙇
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