See "Custom network with NO initial database state, with subnet-evm" for the full commands.
Write the configuration file with some default values:
Then apply the configuration:
Wait for anchor nodes to be ready:
Check your S3 bucket for generated artifacts (all private keys are encrypted using KMS/envelope encryption):
Check the anchor nodes:
Check non-anchor nodes created in a separate Auto Scaling Groups:
Check how non-anchor nodes discovered other anchor nodes and publish non-anchor nodes information:
Check logs and metrics from nodes are being published:
Now that the network is ready, check the metrics and health URL (or access via public IPv4 address):
Now the custom network is ready! Check out the genesis file:
To interact with C-chain via MetaMask, add the DNS RPC endpoint as a custom network as follows:
Or use Core wallet:
Import the test keys for pre-funded wallets:
To set up subnet-evm
, use subnet-cli
to add two non-anchor nodes as validators:
To create a custom blockchain for subnet-evm
Restart the nodes with the tracked subnet ID as instructed (this will be automated in future avalanche-ops
To add subnet-evm
network to MetaMask, use the newly created blockchain ID for RPC endpoints:
Note that the existing test keys are pre-funded (as in C-chain):
To look at the subnet-vm
To shut down the network, run avalancheup-aws delete