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File metadata and controls

115 lines (82 loc) · 4.24 KB


This package supports loading HCL configurations. Since it is a bit more complex than the other loaders, it has it's own package. What follows is a brief but complete overview of how it works.

It tries to mimic terraform behavior as much as possible by using terraform as a library. Since some packages inside terraform are in an /internal package, we vendor in terraform and rename the packages to make them accessible from our code. This is automated in the top-level Makefile.


names.go holds some utilities to work with names, for example parsing them from strings and rendering them back to strings. A name consists of two parts:

  • A module part (e.g. module.child1.). This is empty for the root module.
  • A local part (e.g. aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket or var.my_var).

Importantly, there are a number of AsXYZ() methods, for example AsModuleOutput(). These manipulate the names to point to their "real" location: for example, if you use module.child1.my_output in the root module, the "real" location is the output inside the child module, so module.child1.outputs.my_output. These methods form a big part of the logic and having it here allows us to keep the code in other files relatively clean.


moduletree.go is responsible for parsing a directory of terraform files, including children (submodules). We end up with a hierarchical structure:

  • root module
    • child 1
    • child 2
      • grandchild

We can "walk" this tree using a visitor pattern and visit every term.

A term can be a simple expression or a block with attributes and sub-blocks. Each resource forms a term, and so does each other "entity" in the input, like a a local variable or a module output. For more details, see term.go.

For example:

  • aws_security_group.invalid_sg_1
  • module.child1.output.bucket

Because we pass in both the full name (see above) as well as the term, a visitor can store these in a flat rather than hierarchical map, which is more convenient to work with in Go.

This file uses an additional file moduleregister.go to deal with the locations of remote (downloaded) terraform modules.


Once expressions are evaluated, they become values of the type cty.Value. This module has a number of utilities to construct and merge Values.


In IaC files, it is common to depend on values which are not filled in:

resource "aws_kms_key" "rds-db-instance-kms" {
  deletion_window_in_days = 10

resource "aws_db_instance" "default" {
  kms_key_id = "${aws_kms_key.rds-db-instance-kms.arn}"

rds-db-instance-kms does not have an .arn attribute, but evaluating kms_key_id needs one. We solve this by collecting all references to unknown attributes in the expressions, and setting these as "phantom attributes" on the resources. They are not included in the output.


Finally, using these foundations, hcl_interpreter.go implements the main logic. This happens in the following imperative steps:

  1. We use the visitor from moduletree.go to obtain a full list of everything in the module and its children.

  2. For every term, we can compute its dependencies (possibly renaming some using the logic in names.go). This gives us enough info to run a topological sort; which tells us the exact order in which all terms should be evaluated.

  3. We run through and evaluate each expression.

    • We have a single big cty.Value that holds everything we have evaluated so far per module.

    • Before evaluating, we add extra dependencies to this cty.Value scope based on the code in dependencies() and prepareVariables(). This is used to e.g. get outputs from other modules.

    • After evaluating, we merge the result back into the cty.Value for that module.

  4. We convert the individual cty.Values for the resources into the resources view (this involves only some minor bookkeeping like adding the id and _provider fields).