All benchmarks are in the macro directory.
The commands
cd macro
make taylor-a
make taylor-trans-a
will run FPTaylor with the simplified rounding and the approximate optimization problem on all benchmarks.
The commands
cd macro
make taylor-b
make taylor-trans-b
will run FPTaylor with the improved rounding and the exact optimization problem on all benchmark.
Polynomial and rational benchmarks are from the paper Sound Compilation of Reals by E. Darulova and V. Kuncak.
Additional simple examples can be found in micro and micro2 directories.
Use the following commands to run individual examples:
cd micro2
../../fptaylor -c config-rel.cfg sqrt_sub.txt
Here, config-rel.cfg
is a configuration file with FPTaylor options
and sqrt_sub.txt
is an input file.
See FPTaylor Reference Manual for a detailed description of FPTaylor.