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Wasm filter with Istio 1.11.3 #278




Following the getting-started I'm trying to deploy the wasm filter to Istio 1.11.3 installed on a minikube cluster. I thought if wasm extensions are merged with Envoy, they should work with recent Istio versions. I have the image successfully pushed to a repository in my account on Web Assembly Hub. After successfully logging into the Hub from my shell, this is what I get. Where I'm going wrong?

$ wasme deploy istio --id=add-header
INFO[0000] cache namespace already exists cache=wasme-cache.wasme image=""
INFO[0000] cache configmap already exists cache=wasme-cache.wasme image=""
INFO[0000] cache service account already exists cache=wasme-cache.wasme image=""
INFO[0000] cache role updated cache=wasme-cache.wasme image=""
INFO[0000] cache rolebinding updated cache=wasme-cache.wasme image=""
INFO[0000] cache daemonset updated cache=wasme-cache.wasme image=""
Error: image not supported by istio version 1.11.3
wasme deploy istio --id= [--config=] [--root-id=] [--namespaces ] [--name deployment-name] [--patch-context={any|inbound|outbound|gateway}] [flags]

--cache-custom-command strings custom command to provide to the cache server image
--cache-image-pull-policy string image pull policy for the cache server daemonset. see (default "IfNotPresent")
--cache-name string name of resources for the wasm image cache server (default "wasme-cache")
--cache-namespace string namespace of resources for the wasm image cache server (default "wasme")
--cache-repo string name of the image repository to use for the cache server daemonset (default "")
--cache-tag string image tag to use for the cache server daemonset (default "0.0.33")
--cache-timeout duration the length of time to wait for the server-side filter cache to pull the filter image before giving up with an error. set to 0 to skip the check entirely (note, this may produce a known race condition). (default 1m0s)
-h, --help help for istio
--ignore-version-check set to disable abi version compatability check.
--istio-namespace string the namespace where the Istio control plane is installed (default "istio-system")
--istiod-name string deployment name of the istiod (default "istiod")
-l, --labels stringToString labels of the deployment or daemonset into which to inject the filter. if not set, will apply to all workloads in the target namespace (default [])
-n, --namespace string namespace of the workload(s) to inject the filter. (default "default")
--patch-context string patch context of the filter. possible values are any, inbound, outbound, gateway (default "inbound")
-t, --workload-type string type of workload into which the filter should be injected. possible values are daemonset, deployment, statefulset (default "deployment")

Global Flags:
--config string optional config that will be passed to the filter. accepts an inline string.
--id string unique id for naming the deployed filter. this is used for logging as well as removing the filter. when running wasme deploy istio, this name must be a valid Kubernetes resource name.
--root-id string optional root ID used to bind the filter at the Envoy level. this value is normally read from the filter image directly.
-v, --verbose verbose output




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