can make code in a switch-like statement a bit less clear #398
Consider the following code:
if nanoseconds < 1000:
return "nanoseconds"
if nanoseconds < 1000_000:
return "microseconds"
if nanoseconds < 1000_000_000:
return "milliseconds"
return "seconds"
sourcery will try to reformat it to the following:
def get_best_order(nanoseconds: float) -> str:
if nanoseconds < 1000:
return "nanoseconds"
if nanoseconds < 1000_000:
return "microseconds"
return "milliseconds" if nanoseconds < 1000_000_000 else "seconds"
The issue is obvious; Previously each return was exactly one case, but now two of them get mangled together. Even though this is generally a good refactoring, that I try to follow, in cases that there is a "hidden switch" statement, it becomes annoying.