When generating docstrings, the output has an incorrect structure.
Sourcery output
def run_quiz_gpt(chat_model, docs=None, topic=None):
"""Runs a quiz using the GPT chat model.
chat_model: The GPT chat model.
docs: Optional. The list of documents to use for the quiz.
topic: Optional. The topic to search on Wikipedia.
If `docs` is not provided, the user can choose to upload a file or search for a Wikipedia article.
If no `docs` are available, a markdown file with quiz instructions is displayed.
Otherwise, the quiz is run using the provided `docs` and `topic` or file name.
The user can answer each question and submit the quiz.
# Function implementation
Expected output
def run_quiz_gpt(chat_model, docs=None, topic=None):
"""Runs a quiz using the GPT chat model.
If `docs` is not provided, the user can choose to upload a file or search for a Wikipedia article.
If no `docs` are available, a markdown file with quiz instructions is displayed.
Otherwise, the quiz is run using the provided `docs` and `topic` or file name.
The user can answer each question and submit the quiz.
chat_model: The GPT chat model.
docs: Optional. The list of documents to use for the quiz.
topic: Optional. The topic to search on Wikipedia.
# Function implementation