This is a list of repositories for sourmash, software for rapidly searching and analyzing genomes and metagenomes!
The main repository - sourmash-bio/sourmash - please file all questions and issues here!
dib-lab/genome-grist - building catalogs of reference genomes in metagenomes using minimum metagenome covers.
sourmash-bio/database-examples - example pipelines and workflows for building sourmash databases from your own collections of genomes.
support for sourmash inputs/outputs in other languages
Arcadia-Science/sourmashconsumr - R/rstats parsing and visualization.
more advanced/expert user stuff
sourmash-bio/wort - building and maintaining signatures for public (meta)genome resources.
sourmash-bio/sra_search - large-scale search of millions of sourmash signatures.
sourmash-bio/database-releases - actual pipelines for the sourmash database releases