# LTV Unicycle Controller The LTV Unicycle Controller ([C++](https://github.wpilib.org/allwpilib/docs/release/cpp/classfrc_1_1_l_t_v_unicycle_controller.html), [Java](https://github.wpilib.org/allwpilib/docs/release/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/LTVUnicycleController.html), :external:py:class:`Python <wpimath.controller.LTVUnicycleController>`) is a trajectory tracker that is built in to WPILib. This tracker can be used to accurately track trajectories with correction for minor disturbances for differential drivetrains.
LTV has replaced RAMSETE, because it has more intuitive tuning.
## Constructing the LTV Unicycle Controller Object
The LTV Unicycle controller should be initialized with four parameters. qelems is a vector of the maximum desired error tolerance in the X and Y directions and heading. relems is a vector of the desired control effort in linear velocity and angular velocity. dt represents the timestep used in calculations (the default loop rate of 20 ms is a reasonable value) and maxVelocity should be the max velocity your robot can achieve. See :ref:`The State Space control LQR Tuning <docs/software/advanced-controls/state-space/state-space-intro:LQR: tuning>` for more information on the effect of relems and qelems on the controller.
The code example below initializes the LTV Unicycle Controller with qelems of 0.0625 m in X, 0.125 m in Y, and 2 radians in heading; relems of 1 m/s of linear velocity, and 2 rad/sec angular velocity; dt of 20 ms; and maxVelocity of 9 m/s.
The maximum desired error of the heading is much larger then X and Y to ensure that the heading controller doesn't overpower the Y controller.
.. tab-set-code:: ```java LTVUnicycleController controller = new LTVUnicycleController(VecBuilder.fill(0.0625, 0.125, 2.0), VecBuilder.fill(1.0, 2.0), 0.02, 9); ``` ```c++ frc::LTVUnicycleController controller{{0.0625, 0.125, 2.0}, {1.0, 2.0}, 0.02_s, 9_mps}; ``` ```python controller = LTVUnicycleController([0.0625, 0.125, 2.0], [1.0, 2.0], 0.02, 9) ```
## Getting Velocity Commands The LTV Unicycle controller returns linear and angular velocity commands which, if followed, will make the robot accurately reach a goal state consisting of a desired pose, desired linear velocity, and desired angular velocity.
The "reference pose" represents the position that the robot should be at a particular timestep when tracking the trajectory. It does NOT represent the final endpoint of the trajectory, which is the goal.
The controller can be updated using the Calculate
(C++) / calculate
(Java/Python) method. The first overload of this method accepts the current robot pose, desired robot pose, desired linear velocity, and desired angular velocity. The second overload accepts the current robot pose and desired pose, linear velocity, and angular velocity as a Trajectory.State
object. This overload is ideal for those using the WPILib trajectory API.
.. tab-set-code:: ```java Trajectory.State reference = trajectory.sample(3.4); // sample the trajectory at 3.4 seconds from the beginning ChassisSpeeds adjustedSpeeds = controller.calculate(currentRobotPose, reference); ``` ```c++ const Trajectory::State reference = trajectory.Sample(3.4_s); // sample the trajectory at 3.4 seconds from the beginning ChassisSpeeds adjustedSpeeds = controller.Calculate(currentRobotPose, reference); ``` ```python reference = trajectory.sample(3.4) # sample the trajectory at 3.4 seconds from the beginning adjustedSpeeds = controller.calculate(currentRobotPose, reference) ```
These calculations should be performed at every loop iteration, with an updated robot position and reference.
## Using the Velocity Commands
The velocity commands are of type ChassisSpeeds
, which contains a vx
(linear velocity in the forward direction), a vy
(linear velocity in the sideways direction), and an omega
(angular velocity around the center of the robot frame).
The returned adjusted speeds can be converted to usable speeds using the kinematics classes for your drivetrain type. For example, the adjusted velocities can be converted to left and right velocities for a differential drive using a DifferentialDriveKinematics
.. tab-set-code:: ```java ChassisSpeeds adjustedSpeeds = controller.calculate(currentRobotPose, referencel); DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelSpeeds = kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(adjustedSpeeds); double left = wheelSpeeds.leftMetersPerSecond; double right = wheelSpeeds.rightMetersPerSecond; ``` ```c++ ChassisSpeeds adjustedSpeeds = controller.Calculate(currentRobotPose, reference); DifferentialDriveWheelSpeeds wheelSpeeds = kinematics.ToWheelSpeeds(adjustedSpeeds); auto [left, right] = kinematics.ToWheelSpeeds(adjustedSpeeds); ``` ```python adjustedSpeeds = controller.calculate(currentRobotPose, reference) wheelSpeeds = kinematics.toWheelSpeeds(adjustedSpeeds) left = wheelSpeeds.left right = wheelSpeeds.right ```
These new left and right velocities are still speeds and not voltages, so two PID Controllers, one for each side, should be used to track them. You can use either the WPILib PIDController ([C++](https://github.wpilib.org/allwpilib/docs/release/cpp/classfrc_1_1_p_i_d_controller.html), [Java](https://github.wpilib.org/allwpilib/docs/release/java/edu/wpi/first/math/controller/PIDController.html), :external:py:class:`Python <wpimath.controller.PIDController>`) or the Velocity PID feature on smart motor controllers such as the TalonSRX and the SPARK MAX.