Proposed (!!! I feel sorry for putting it into your issue tracker thought it would be actually helping to bring transparency) is a meta issue that shows what FOSSology covers in terms of license analysis use cases and which of the issues in this issue tracker are connected with this.
Please note also that there is a meta issue on the FOSSology side, summarising captured shortcomings of the FOSSology w.r..t the SPDX spc:
FOSSology use cases
- Obligations, risks, restrictions as part of the SPDX Obligations, Risks, Restrictions part of the software delivery in B2B case #111
- ECC information Expand §8.3.4 Annotation Type with new values (LICENSE, PATENT, COPYRIGHT, EXPORT, TRADEMARK) and change cardinality #35
- IPR limitations (trademarks?) could be also covered by risks or here Expand §8.3.4 Annotation Type with new values (LICENSE, PATENT, COPYRIGHT, EXPORT, TRADEMARK) and change cardinality #35
- identified files that do not get distributed Adding attribute of distribution relevance at license findings / files / folders #92
- import SPDX files issue for large OSS components or shipped products Specify the format and behavior of the relatedSpdxElement for JSON, YAML and XML formats #96
- acknowledgement on file level Add optional AttributionText field to File & Package level. #28
Admitted that #92 is maybe covered by the relations construct, although I am not convinced it represents a solution that as intended